Here are some more nature pics I took recently. I was driving up to the property by myself the other morning and for some reason, I took a few minutes to slow down and notice what a pretty trip it is once I get off of the main road. I stopped every hundred feet or so (it seemed) and took pics of some of the beautiful sights and scenes around me. I hope you enjoy even half as much as I did!
(click on each pic to enlarge…I think they are even prettier that way!)
These are all growing in the ditch lines on the old dirt road on the way up to the property. There are so many more things growing up there…I wish I could spend more time exploring…I can only imagine what grows wild. I just never noticed how much blooms this late in the summer…I always think of spring as the time of flowers…boy was I wrong!
Now the question is do you know the names of all of them? I think I know two.
I know two also I think…and I should look the rest up but just haven’t yet…pitiful!
We’re just beginning to try identifying the wildflowers on our land (yayyyy!!!)…your pics are beautiful! Can’t wait to see what they are when you find out 🙂
I can help with this!
Chicory —- Joe Pye Weed
Lythrum —- Lathyrus (Everlasting Pea)
Helianthus (wild sunflower)— Not sure about this one
Rudbeckia (Black-eyed-Susan)—Queen Annes Lace
Cool! I knew the first two and the last one. Thanks Caprilis!
You’re welcome… I might be able to get that last one if you can post a pic of the leaves…
I think the one unidentified is what we call wild baby’s breath, but I think it’s real name is Flowering Spurge. It’s one of my favorites-mix it with the wild ageratum (purple fuzzy flower clusters that I think are in your other post) and those wild sweet peas for a pretty bouquet 🙂