I’m a proud American. I like apple pie and Chevrolet and a cold beer every now and then. I stand for the flag at parades and I know most every Alabama song there is. I also discovered that I ate a little too much junk while partaking the typical American diet.
When Emily and I were married, I weighed in at a whopping 145 pounds. I wasn’t any taller then but I definitely had not finished growing. I don’t mean just growing heavier, but I was still growing into an adult…yes, we were married pretty young…right out of college.
Anyhow, I matured and settled in at a pretty consistent 185 and that worked pretty well. Like most people though, time goes on and the kids keep us busy and we ate less home cooked meals and more junk on the run. I got pretty well addicted to Mt Dew and donuts and candy bars and all that jazz…and I never turned down a trip to Panera. Consequently, I blossomed in the last 2 years, to a heavier-than-I-wanted-to-be 218 pounds. That’s when I had enough and decided to do something about it…

So, I started eating right, got on a journal-what-you-eat program and have, in the last 7 weeks, lost 40 pounds. My blood pressure is down. My energy is fine and I have a healthy mane and coat…wait…I mean I feel good. It has shed fast and is a bit startling to people around me but I am pleased. Many people have asked if I am healthy or if I am angry at everything. It’s weird, but when you get used to looking at someone at a certain weight, it’s weird when you see them a lot lighter.

So, I am definitely not obsessed with weight but I am interested in my long term health and, to that end, I am determined to eat better and make better choices about my health. I may not be the man I used to be, but I will be a healthier man and that makes me very excited!