A long time ago in a state not so far away…yeah, well that’s it for the Star Wars bit. I was born a number of years ago but you’ll have to do some research to figure out how old I am…
- The number of holes in the mouthpiece of a telephone is <my age>
- In a “3-4-5” right triangle, the small angle is approximately <my age> degrees
- “Les Miserables” has a cast of <my age>
- There are <my age> U.S. Federal Reserve Banks
- William Shakespeare wrote <my age> plays
- Hannibal brought <my age> elephants with him on his conquest of Rome
So, I have no idea if I was born with or without hair, but I know I had it for some period of my younger years. I had hair for about 25 or so years and then I decided to shave it all off.
For awhile, that was pretty cool because I shaved it before other people were shaving their heads. At that time, I was too young to be “old man bald” but my kind of bald was cool. About a year or 3 ago, my follicular karma caught up with me and I started sprouting hair in my ears. It isn’t fair!
Anyhow, it’s my birthday today so I will tell you a few odd things about myself. Apparently I was to be named Jedidiah (hey, that’s almost Jedi!) but when I was “out”, my parents though I looked like my Dad so they named me Warren instead.
I was almost continually sick as a child. I had pneumonia many times and rheumatic fever once before I got through 3rd grade. My illness made me exceptionally handsome…I am still plagued by it!
I remember my absolute favorite pair of shoes…it was in first grade. May parents got me a pair of green gum boots. I wore them to school…all day long…every day. I also loved western shirts more than any other style.
Seriously, though, time has surely flown but I can’t imagine being any other place or with any other people!
Oh yeah, here’s my source for the strange ways to get my age.
By the way, here is a family tradition we enjoy. We call it happy birthday – loud and proud!