We moved to Kentucky right after we got married. Our first place was a 450 sq ft or so apartment into which we pack 900 sq ft of furniture. We had no money (but I still had my motorcycle then!), but were too young to know any better. Anyhow, we made some really fantastic friends and had a really great time in KY. One of our favorite things about KY was how everyone turned out for University of Kentucky basketball and for the Kentucky Derby. It was, somehow, more important than Groundhog Day even. Emily’s family here in WV also enjoyed watching the KY derby.
Now that we are back, we get to enjoy the family time and share a few traditions with the gang! Most importantly, we always eat KFC chicken in anticipation of the Derby. Someone grabs a huge bucket of chicken and all the sides to boot. We eat too much and sit around commenting on the different horses. We place our “bets” and get all the back stories on the jockies or trainers. Mostly we laugh at the women in their crazy hats in the stands. I always laugh at their attempts to look elegant while holding one-too-many mint juleps.
Anyhow, to be a part of the party, we also wear hats. Everyone makes their own hat, the more ridiculous the better. We recycle lots of things, but we never recycle our hats…every year sees a new creation! Anyhow, this year I went with the first bright idea I had for my hat!
(We picked Mine that Bird all along, by the way…I even took a picture to prove it!)
Last year we made mint juleps which were interesting. I think it must help the flavor to get a few of them in you before you comment. I was not terribly impressed. Of course, we didn’t use glacial ice or anything special. Our ice came from the Muddy Elk River and the mint came from my back yard. Anyhow, this year Emily’s mom made derby pie which, oh my goodness, you have to try…
Derby Pie
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup pecans, coarsely chopped
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs, large
1/2 cup self-rising flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 stick butter, melted
1 unbaked pie shell
Preheat oven to 350.
Combine flour and sugar.
Add eggs, one at a time, then vanilla and melted butter.
Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
Pour into pie shell and bake for 30-40 minutes.
Let cool to set.
We love Derby time and I always feel like it marks an important milestone in spring. It’s great fun to So did you watch the derby? Do you have any silly traditions that you hold for some event, Derby or otherwise?
Did you go for some of the grilled chicken? I haven’t tried it yet. We never really got into the derby that much. We didn’t have horses so I think that was part of the reason. Now if they raced cows then I’d be into it.
I TOTALLY missed the kentucky derby! But that pie looks wonderful!
Kris Bair’s last blog post..Monday
Seriously folks – you have GOT to try the pie. YUM YUM YUM!
How about that upset? GREAT Derby this year.
No, I’m not from Kentucky but I grew up in racing country just the same — I’m a Virginia girl. I love the races!
Here’s my mint julep recipe:
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 big bunch of fresh mint
12 oz. bourbon
Mix together sugar and water together in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over med. heat and stir with a whisk until the sugar has dissolved completely.
Remove from heat. Cool in fridge.
Grab some chilled glasses and run the rims with mint. Fill the cups (pack) with crushed ice and pour an ounce of the sugar water (simple syrup) over top. Add 3 ox. of bourbon. Garnish with mint.
RazorFamilyFarms.com’s last blog post..Benedictine Sandwiches
Yum, the pie does look quite delicious. And you guys look quite crazy.
suchlovelyfreckles’s last blog post..Volunteering
My daughter clued me in on the exciting race, and I wish I had watched it. I’m curious as to why you picked the winner??? Just because he was the underdog?
Deb’s last blog post..Where I Stand Sunday
Love the hats-and the pie looks YUMMY!
Loretta – heck no! I like the greasy crunchy mess!
Kris – that’s un-American! Just kidding…the pie was great!
Emily – it’s appropriate for nearly any occasion…not just Derby, eh?
Razor FF – Thanks! We will def try your recipe…it must be possible to make a good mint julep!
freckles – we didn’t even have any juleps in us to blame it on!
Deb – we liked that horse and General Quarters because of the back story with the trainers and owners…both were sort of priceless!
tipper – we aren’t as wild as the real Derby hates, but our spirit is right!
Can I have a piece of pie?
We have SO many silly traditions and such. But we don’t watch the derby, so I will spare you the drivel.
Capri Kel’s last blog post..Very Random Thoughts