He hugged me

My son is very much like me…we don’t do people.  I mean, I would rather do 1,000,000 deep knee bends than hug a person.  Some folks I know are huggers…they want to greet me in the morning with a hug.  I always respond, “I don’t hug my wife and kids, I d@#n sure am not going to hug you!”  Usually that calls off the attack.  I don’t like to shake hands or even bump into someone else.  I am not sure what my parents did to me as a child but it’s how I am.

Now honestly, I do hug my wife and kids (and I enjoy that) and I will shake hands in a pinch or where social norms demand it, but I am not a free-toucher.  Isaac is just like me…except he barely hugs us either.

So, you may be wondering what this has to do with anything.  You may remember, this week I am going on about simple pleasures.  Uh…ok…so what’s my point?  Well, last night Isaac willingly hugged me and kissed me on the cheek!  I’ll say it again, Isaac hugged me and kissed my cheek…without coercion!

My boy loves to read and he reads at a high school level in 3rd 4th grade.  He just finished the Star Wars book that parallels the third Star Wars movie (the one where Darth Vader is made).  Until now, we have not let the kids see that movie.  I don’t know that it is all that bad really, but so many parents around us have banned their kids from seeing it.  I guess we decided to follow their lead.  Anyhow, since he finished the book, I decided to let him watch the movie.  We’ve been trying to work out a time to see it and finally last night was the night to start the show.  When he got the news, he was so excited that he gave me  a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek!  That one thing, truly, made my week!  I am a little less tired because of it!

18 thoughts on “He hugged me

  1. I am not a hugger either!!!!!! I get as stiff as a board when someone not in my most intimate of circles hugs me. Cute story that Isaac would be moved to hug and kiss over Star Wars. I wonder whether the kids read your blog?
    .-= Laura-Jane´s last blog ..Lilacs in June =-.

  2. Awwww….how awesome is that?!? Did he like the movie? I’m a star wars junkie too. Lots of great spin off stories by different authors out there as well.
    .-= farm mom´s last blog ..A Day Off =-.

  3. Now that’s an “Awwwww” moment!
    I’m a hugger. Didn’t use to be(different country, different culture) until I came to the States. Now I’m a hugger.
    .-= YDavis´s last blog ..Golden Friday =-.

  4. My eldest son is NOT a hugger either… and he LOVES to read and enjoys star wars….. I’m glad my other 3 kids and husband like to hug. I have to say that I felt a little rejected when my first born baby was happier NOT being held than rocking and snuggling with me!!! I have held and rocked the other three enough to make up for it. My eldest, turning 12 next week, still enjoys a random tickle… so that is our version of ‘hug’ with him.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..The best time of the year!!!! =-.

  5. You may just have to re-adjust your huggin/touching phobia. Nothing warms the heart more than a childs hug.
    My parents were huggers, and sadly I was not so much into it either, but after the grandkids arrived, I am a now a hugger too!
    .-= Grey Wolf´s last blog ..R is for Recycling & Rabbit Pens =-.

  6. Yeah, I don’t like to hug much either. Especially guys. I’ll remember that line next time and tell those guys to back off.

    That is so sweet that Isaac gave you a hug and a kiss. Lily will hug me and occasionally she will hug Nathan. Every now and then she will give me a kiss.

  7. I hate hugs and whatnot, except with Kiddo. Of course, she’s not a big hugger either. My phobia extends to 4-legged critters who want to put their saliva, odor, and germs on me… 🙂

    Kiddo and Mel are watching Harry Potter now… the reward for finishing the book, I suppose.

    .-= Ron´s last blog ..Flying lizards =-.

  8. We finished the movie last night…got another hug. I am not sure why I am so anti-hug but I gotta tell you…I am happy to hear that there are other non-huggers out there…maybe we need a group?

  9. I used to be a little like you about the hugging. I actually had an agreement with one of my brother-in laws. We both were on the same page about the hugging and let each other off the hook!
    But, I have since gone over to the dark side, and reciprocate. It’s not so bad. Only when the other hug-ee has on too much perfume and it transfers. I HATE THAT!

    We are gerbils at my house. Wallowing all over each other. The Ab-Cat is more reserved though. She would probably be your favorite!
    .-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..The Second Hand Sleep Pants =-.

  10. I’m not crazy about hugging either. I have a friend that likes to hug and I have to remind her that I love her, but I don’t like being touched by anyone buy my kid. And sometimes I even have to ask him to back off a bit.
    .-= Christy O´s last blog ..Embarrassing garden pictures =-.

  11. I agree with Grey Wolfe there’s nothing better than a hug from the grandkids or from the kids. Those are special hugs especially when you know they really don’t like hugging and yet they’ll do it for Mom or grandma.

  12. Hugs from close family are one thing…I see everyone’s point. It’s really more of a problem for me when other people hug me…and no one had better hold on too long. I must have had a strange childhood…

  13. I like hugging even today. Not sure about Dad though—–you must have gotten it from him.

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