We got up early as we always do on the day we leave the beach. It’s a long drive home and we always leave early to beat the chaos around the traffic that comes when one leaves later. So it’s a tradition to leave early and that doesn’t bother me. The funny thing that I always hate about leaving the beach, however, is putting my watch back on. I hadn’t worn my watch from the time I entered the house.
The thing about time is that it matters so much of the time. We couldn’t arrive at the house until 3 pm and we had to be out before 11 am. We had to be home in time to get back for work and we had to pay all the bills on time that had stacked up in our absence. But while we are at the beach, time does not matter at all. We eat when we’re hungry, we sleep when we’re tired and we play all of the time. Time doesn’t matter at the beach and that’s why I love it so much. All the rest of my life is scheduled (or so it seems) so the time away renews me.
I always ponder the return to time and it sort of rattles my head. Time flees so fast the rest of the year. I love our stay at the beach each year where time seems to stand still. I get a chance to totally enjoy my kids and wife and we soak it up, indeed. The times without time are the only times that really matter.
SO glad you had a wonderful time with your family! I like your thoughts on time. I concur.
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..Potent Quotable =-.
Aww…great post! Glad you and your family had a nice time away from it all. I love that last sentence, although I doubt I could say it aloud three times fast! 🙂
.-= farm mom´s last blog ..Around Here =-.
Well said!
.-= Caprilis´s last blog ..Building An Addition =-.
Love this post!
.-= YDavis´s last blog ..Lost? =-.
Isn’t that the best thing about vacation?
.-= Evil Twin’s Wife´s last blog ..Move Along =-.
I remember the days when I didn’t own a watch and never really needed to know the exact time ever. Ah, youth! Glad you’re back from vacation safely!
.-= Lynnie´s last blog ..The Quail are Multiplying…and so is Ibby =-.
We had such a nice time. I do love vacations. In some ways, I wish I had vacay every week, but then I suppose it wouldn’t be special…hmmm…but I might be wrong…maybe I should try…
i haven’t had a watch in a few years. i try to not worry about time when i’m not near a clock. i spent several years living on the beach in san diego. i don’ think that i owned a clock then..
Glad to hear you enjoyed your vacation! It’s always nice to spend leaisurely time with our loved ones.
What beautiful children you have!
.-= Chiot’s Run´s last blog ..June Harvest Tally =-.
Yep-not having to keep track of the time is nice.
.-= tipper´s last blog ..July 4th & The Pledge of Allegiance =-.