I debated on facebook a bit earlier this week on how to spell garlicky…and I was informed of the correct spelling…so here I am to share it with you! We planted garlic last fall (cause that’s when one plants garlic) and it has grown to maturity. We planted 4 varieties. I know we planted Metechi, Music, and Romanian Red. The fourth variety is a mystery garlic which was presented to us as “wild garlic”. I have no idea what it’s real name is, but it looks significantly different from the other types and produced nice sized, very pretty bulbs. We’ll plant it again for sure assuming it stores and tastes good.
(Once you harvest garlic, you need to dry it out of the sun for a few weeks)
We’ve had a ton of rain in WV this spring and summer which has killed a large portion of the garden. The garlic is about the only thing that thrived so I am really pleased we planted so much. We’ll likely have to survive on it all winter since we won’t have many beans or peppers or salsa (a near staple at our house). If anyone comes to visit, you had better “garlic up” before you come!
(These are the scapes from the “wild” garlic. They look very much like little heads of garlic as well. We’ll eat them sometime soon to find out!)
Ok, I’ll play sort of serious…we love garlic and there is nothing to beat fresh garlic. I like it in just about everything and we use it about that often. It’s great because it grows through the fall, winter and early spring and can be harvested in time to allow the gardener to plant cabbage or broccoli in its place (which is what we’ll do) for a later harvest. If you have never tried growing garlic, you definitely should!
So, anyone ever seen this “wild garlic” or know anything about it?
Warren puts garlic and mushrooms in EVERY recipe that he can. It’s a good thing that we have an abundance of garlic this year – he really hates having to buy it at the store.
I tried to cook this one recipe with fresh garlic and it turned out terrible. A complete mess! So I haven’t really tried it since. I realize it probably wasn’t just the garlic either. My grandmother has some fresh garlic that she has offered us but I haven’t gotten any. She said it was growing everywhere in the garden.
BTW. I finished the first twilight book. It was very good! Then we watched the movie. Not so good. It was just too choppy and not great acting. It was alot to squeeze into 2+ hours. It seemed like they would do a scene to get some lines from the book the cut to the next scene to say a few lines. It just didn’t flow.
I know ya’ll are safe from Vampires! LOL!
Warren, I think those mystery garlics are actually Egyptian Walking Onions. I have seen them in catalogs before and so I googled for some pictures, sure look very similar to your mystery garlics. Google Egyptian Walking Onions and compare it to your garlics and see if they are it.
.-= YDavis´s last blog ..This Week =-.
I’m with you on the garlic and mushrooms in/on everything….otherwise, what’s the point right?!
Seriously though, I saw this post a while back on a blog I like to pop in on every once in awhile, maybe it’ll answer some questions for you, assuming yours is the same stuff. http://cincinnatilocavore.blogspot.com/2008/03/foraging-wild-garlic.html
Nice haul btw! 🙂
.-= farm mom´s last blog ..More Challenging Than You’d Think =-.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with Herrick Kimball’s blog “The Deliberate Agrarian.” He’s scaled back to just monthly updates but is leaving all the posts up as a resource for others.
He has several good posts about garlic here, including one about pickling the scapes while they are still young.
I’m such an ignoramous, I didn’t know there WAS more than 1 kind of garlic!!!
I should mention this to “Butch”, otherwise known as Old Italian Cooking Man.
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..Busy, Busy, Dreadfully Busy… =-.
Em – I DO hate to buy it…it’s so plain compared to what we can grow!
Loretta – you should def try it again…I love fresh garlic…It’s like a fine cologne I think! Cool on the Twilight books. You should read the Sookie Stackhouse books too!
YD – thanks for the ref to Egyptian Walking Onions! They definitely look like the tops…I still need to see what I can find about the bulbs…but I think you pegged it!
farm mom – my parents have that sort of garlic around their place. It stinks!
Robert – thanks for reminding me about garlic on the Deliberate Agrarian’s blog. It has all sorts of cool stuff!
Capri Kel – there are tons of varieties and they definitely taste different. We are still experimenting with varieties…but now is the time to order it for best selection!
Timely post – getting ready to order seeds to plant the fall garden. Time to get the garlic in!
Yeah, timely post. I just pulled a few of our garlic bulbs out to see what there was to see. Very mysterious. Now I know more. 🙂
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Fall in July? =-.
Your garlic looks awesome. Keep us posted on which ones cook up best etc…. then remind us when it’s time to plant… please 😉 I am inspired now.