With the holidays, I have been pretty absent from all things Internet. We’ve had family in town and really enjoyed our Christmas celebrations. Last week, I mentioned one of my Brother’s traditions in which I participated this year. We grew beards from Thanksgiving to Christmas, then shaved them off in pieces. I had never grown a beard before so this was a new adventure for me.
So, without further adieu, here is a pictorial record of the transition:

So, when Abigail finally saw me clean shaven, she told me she liked me better the other way. Lots of people did in fact and that sort of gave me a complex…don’t you like the “real” me? Do I need to hide my face under a beard? Oh, the blow to my psyche!
OK…another blow…I like the beard too! Have a wonderful and happy new year my cyber friend! Kim
.-= the inadvertent farmer´s last blog ..Decorating for New Year’s Eve quick easy Inexpensive =-.
Yep, I already added to the psyche problems over on Facebook. It’s just hair though, man. It’s not like we told you that you’d look better if you lost a bunch of weight or pierced your eyebrow or got a full tattoo of Mickey Mouse on your belly.
Oh, don’t bother clicking on my blog. It’s just me whining about the fact that I can’t load pictures. iPhoto is being a stinker and I can’t figure out why.
.-= Ceecee´s last blog ..I’ve given up =-.
I like that pro-wrestling look… serious man, that “I mean business!” look 🙂 Wishing your family a joyous, healthy and Happy New Year!
.-= Beau´s last blog ..Growing Forward, Happily =-.
You can pull of both looks, just not the chunky half gone look (sorry). There is something kinda rugged about the beard look…
I like the beard too, but as a hairdresser, I always say it’s a nice change. It’s not that we don’t like your face, it’s just a nice CHANGE!
Honey Butch shaves and grows his whiskers so much I don’t always even notice!
Warren, were you hugging/touching your brother?
Hey, you came up in conversation at the New Years party last night. It was a question in a game we were playing. Something about bees. I whispered to Honey, “we should ask Warren”, He said that’s what HE was thinking!!! LOL!!!
Happy New Year to you and Emily! Many Blessings in twenty-ten!
Ok, here’s my thing…that top photo is my favorite because it’s just…you…no thumb-sticking up or silly faces, just you…your eyes are twinkling and you’re smiling a genuine, warm and handsome smile. Maybe you could give us one of those types of smiles without the facial hair (and the thumb) and we can all take another vote?
.-= Farmgirl_dk´s last blog ..Everyone on Critter Farm =-.
I just grew one and shaved it myself. Looked good on you.
Of course we like the real you. BUT you do look great with a beard! I don’t normally advocate facial hair, but it really does look good on you. Both ways are good though.
.-= Laura-Jane´s last blog ..Resolutions for the New Year =-.
Hey, I haven’t stopped by in forever! Sorry. I’ve been sucked in by that evil Facebook. I did like the beard on you, but I’ve heard they can be itchy. The pro-wrestler look was the best.
.-= Christy O´s last blog ..Goals for 2010 =-.
I like my husband’s facial hair, although I generally don’t dig beards much. On my husband it just looks better. 🙂
Happy New Year!
.-= suchlovelyfreckles´s last blog ..The never-ending hair drama continued… =-.
Pro Wrestler and some tats all down your arms! I do agree with the comment about the first picture. It would probably look good with or without the beard. It is just a good picture. Well, after you shaved the beard, I broke down and shaved my legs. I feel much colder now for some reason.
Sorry, I do like the grizzly you look better.
.-= YDavis´s last blog ..A Pumpkin Story =-.