So, I have become “that guy”. You know, the guy with the phone the size of an old-fashioned walk-man cassette player, strapped to his belt. I am that guy who walks with a funny gait because the extra weight of the thing has totally rearranged his spinal column. I bought an Apple iPhone and it is currently strapped to my hip. Yes, I know, you thought I was so hip that I already had one of these modern miracles. But actually, I have always been a phone-luddite. Some friends have shamed me into entering the modern wireless age and I have to tell you, I am already hooked! Yes, three days in and I am hooked!

I set up connections to Facebook and to this blog, to my personal and work emails and my personal connection to Barry Manilow’s fan club is in progress. I can find the closest dollar store wherever I am driving and it will even allow me to text silly stuff to my wife annoying her greatly! It’s genius!
Being the benevolent husband that I am, Emily also got a new iPhone and, while she doesn’t have a connection to Barry Manilow, I think she is just as excited to be able to check her lotto numbers and order more kippered herring at the touch of a button from wherever she is!

I got a macbook awhile earlier also. I have been tinkering with writing iPhone apps for awhile but I have always had to “try them out” on the emulator that comes with the development tools. I earn my living writing software on Microsoft Windows machines right now, so I will always be prone to Windows evangelism, but the mac is a lot of fun and may make me a little more “computer-religious-war” tolerant.
Now, then topping to all of this is that I absolutely hate the touch of my new HP laptop. Most keyboards have a certain feel to them and one can get used to them pretty quickly. Even so, the differences are typically minor. Laptops take some getting used to but they typically are “do-able” as well, but this new HP is awful. To register key strikes, one needs to absolutely pound the keys. With the amount of time I spend on computers, I need to be able to touch a keyboard and move on. I do not need to get finger calisthenics each day as I try to do my job.

Now the mac laptop, on the other hand, has a brilliant touch. It’s sort of like giving my fingers a massage each time I type on it. Imagine the possibilities then, of running Microsoft software on my Mac…and it is possible. I bought a copy of VMWare Fusion which allows one to install any operating system into a “virtual space” while running the Mac operating system at the same time. I was skeptical at first, but I am now a believer. I installed Windows XP and all of my database and development tools and it runs brilliantly! I can share folders between my Mac desktop and my XP desktop. I can print and hit the Internet and do absolutely anything I can with a typical XP machine. The coolest part is that I can switch between Mac and XP instantly…both systems are running simultaneously!
Don’t tell my wife, but I think I am in love. I am Apple!
(but don’t worry Microsoft, I still love you too…I swing like that!)
I got an iTouch for my birthday and I really like it. I was wanting to also develop my own little app but the durn SDK will only install on mac. Crap on mac! I think I’ll have to run a simulated version.
I will say that my iTouch is my first iPod. I wanted one so that I can drown out the annoying noises that come from one particular cube-mate at work. The games a real cool too though. Glad you have found a way to balance your love between xp and mac.
I love Apple, though I do not yet own one (cannot afford the sticker). I have read that it is the only software that is hack proof and for that reason alone I am in love.
.-= Annette´s last blog ..When computers fail =-.
I am Apple too! I switched about 7 years ago and I have not looked back. When you consider the beautiful design, wonderful feel, and lack of stress (because it works 99% more than a PC), the price is worth it. And if you need it to it will run winderz (although it does seem like blasphemy to see that meadow on the screen).
Welcome to fanaticism!
You’ll be right up there with Mr Chiots wearing apple shirts here soon.
We migrated to a apple only house a long time ago (although we don’t have iPhones, too expensive for those of us that are home all day and don’t use cell phones and no service in our area). I run VMware on my iMac, now if only I could get some of those crazy software writers to write a Mac version on one program I could be windows free.
Warren, you are too funny!
.-= YDavis´s last blog ..Golden Friday 2010 =-.
You’re in good company. Here in the Silicon Valley just about everyone is “that guy.” Who isn’t walking around talking on their phones around here? We are the home of Apple.
Now all you need is a Bluetooth device for hands-free conversing. (That is unless you’re Italian – using hands for conversation is mandatory.)
Have a great weekend. Cheers ~ Conny
.-= Conny´s last blog ..Flying by the seat of my pants =-.
A year later you finally are using the MacBook! Why did I order that thing! New HP laptop?!?! Is that the one you took to Vegas? If you watch Dan type he clobbers the keyboard on his HP, I thought that is just the way he typed not he laptops fault!