I have been itching to get dirty again working in the garden. Spring is nearly here and the snow has melted at the house. Daffodils are starting to poke through and I saw my first forsythia blooming today! Spring has to be my favorite time of year as life starts popping again. The bees fly and the birds do what birds do in the Spring. It’s just inspiring to me…I figure I have survived another Winter.

We’ve had a bunch of snow this year in WV and it is melting. Showshoe Mountain in WV actually had more snow this year than they had at Vail, CO. Snowshoe had 227 inches while Vail had 223. So, couple the melt with a good bit of rain and we’ve got flooding around Charleston and elsewhere in WV.

We live on top of a hill in Charleston so we don’t really have any any danger from flooding at our house. Our garden, the one I have been itching to get into, is at Emily’s grandparents’ house which is near the river and a creek that drains one of the big nearby hollers. It is currently under about 5 feet of water. Nearby houses have significant amounts of water in them and many folks have been forced to leave their homes. Even with the flooding, the Corps of Engineers report that flood control dams prevented the water from coming even higher (check out the pictures. We were planning to have Abigail’s birthday party at the South Charleston Rec Center pool…which is now under water).
It’s hard to complain when I consider that our family is safe and our house is intact. Nonetheless, I am still bummed that the garden is under water and my garlic that was planted last fall is undoubtedly ruined. I suppose I will have a chance to work in he garden soon enough. First order of business will be hauling off the trash that washed in. We’ll have to find a compromise with the ducks and fish we have seen in our garden and consider a new place to plant our garlic this coming Fall.
It got cold here again this weekend. I was getting ready for the warm weather. I am also starting to get a little big for my winter clothes! I didn’t really buy maternity shirts so my belly is starting to stick out. I guess it will get warm before too long and then it will be too hot!
I’m so sorry to read about the flooding. I hope the damage isn’t too extensive. Ripping out wet drywall is not fun. Here’s hoping that sunshine and dry days are ahead for you.
Oh, what a bummer. Your garden was gorgeous too. Hope it’ll be salvagable when the waters recede. I just planted some rhubarb this weekend, to replace the rhubarb the hubby weedwhacked to death 2 years ago.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Muffin Tin Monday (Green) and the Chick Roundup =-.
Well, I suppose you could grow rice?
.-= Chiot’s Run´s last blog ..Time Machine: What I was Doing 1 Year Ago =-.
Grow rice, HA!
I guess I hadn’t thought about all that snow + hilly country + melting = flooding. That sounds like a LOT of work this spring. 🙁
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..The Weekend Rundown =-.
We’re lucky…Emily’s grandparents’ house was not effected…but the neighbors were. Just our garden got it…and rice sounds like a pretty good idea!
My grandparents had a farm in Old Fields, WV and I remember driving out to the farm after the massive flooding in both the early 80s and again in the early 90s. There were cars in trees and trailers trashed beyond recognition. It was horrific.
Years later, I married a mid-western (Illinois) native and he told me that the early 90s flood of the Mississippi washed away his grandparents’ home of 40 years.
I just couldn’t imagine what that must be like (to see the family home just disappear into swirling floodwaters) and I’m so glad that your house is okay.
.-= RazorFamilyFarms.com´s last blog ..Good Directions and Turnip Greens =-.