Yesterday was a good day for Charleston. You see, the folks from Westboro “baptist” were in town (and will be until Sunday) protesting everything in WV (apparently). There are Catholic folks and Jewish folks and LGBT folks and Irish folks (and all sorts of other folks) that live here. That makes WV a target. Yes, you heard it right…if you are breathing, Westboro “baptist” hates you. Actually, they hate things that are no longer breathing as well.
By itself, their presence wasn’t great for Charleston or WV, but Charleston’s response showed the greatness of the city and its people. I suppose 200-300 people came out to tell the haters to go home. Most folks didn’t hate back, they just asked them to go home. I think a lot of people in the city sort of bonded together and that is always good for community.

I initially participated in a flashmob (that was announced to the media so was less flash-like) to say something like, “you can hate, but we aren’t about that…we’re gonna dance”. Charleston’s Covenant House, a community action group that helps disadvantaged folks, started the flash mob idea. At every protest (and there are many) the flashmobbers are going to do the dance (video below). Some say that we played into their plan of more attention, but I think they are drawing attention to themselves and the media is going to cover that anyhow. As long as they cover it, these people won’t go away. So, we decided to try to steal some of their media coverage and we did…and we strengthened community a bit more.

Anyhow, after the flashmob, a ton of people headed to the front side of the capitol and basically tried to surround and hide the Westboro people. People from here brought signs and posters and flags to hold in front of the hate signs. People came out in numbers to surround the protesters and their message and, in a non-violent (and mostly non-hateful) way, told them they aren’t wanted here.
Pretty cool video capturing the flashmob as well as the other protesting – some good and a little rougher:
I was proud of Charleston and WV. While Westboro people spewed hate and exploited their kids, we came together in unity and had a great time showing that diversity is great and fun and to be celebrated!
What is particularly disturbing is that fact that the Westboro people said that the mining accident that killed so many here in WV was really orchestrated by God as a way to punish us.
I’m not sure which God they are serving, but it is not mine. The God I serve is a God of love – not one of hate.
Good for you guys in repelling those awful, misguided people.
.-= Beau´s last blog ..Everything’s Growing! =-.
I was only familiar with the WBC’s activities at military funerals so I read the Wikipedia article on them. I thought about the question of whether it’s better to ignore them or protest against them and finally decided that you were right to demonstrate. It’s a way of unifying the opposition and shows those in power that the views of the WBC are abhorrent to most people. Good for you!
How amazingly bizarre! The words God and Hate in the same sentence? I’ll have to read up on these folks to find out where they get off. That one poor boy carrying the sign that said, “God Hates Dead Miners”. WOW!
Good for you Warren! I’m proud to ‘know’ ya!
.-= Ceecee´s last blog ..Nobody Loves the Dogs, Part II =-.
I’m proud to know ya too!
I’m with Emily all the way.
.-= Caprilis´s last blog ..BFG Turns My Vision Into Reality =-.
WARREN!!! What in the world were those people protesting???? Why would God hate the miners? I must be missing something, what would POSSIBLY draw those hate filled, spawns of Satan to W.V.?
How this must grieve the heart of God, to have His words twisted. Who would EVER want to know, love and serve their small, false, lower case g, god?
I love that the crowd circled them and blocked their hatefulness.
After ALL Jesus went through, He never behaved like this.
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..Potent Quotable =-.
I gotta tell you, I have no real idea why these people came here…but then, I don’t think they particularly follow logic in any matter. They came and went and, as far as I know, no one was hurt or arrested so I guess Charleston did itself proud!
That is SCARY!!!!