I got up at 4:3o am this morning. I don’t tend to do that often, but I had a ticket for Denver, CO. I travel out of state only a few times per year, so it’s a treat to see what’s going on elsewhere. I’ve never been to Denver so I was pretty excited but it is December and all…and I heard that Denver gets snow now and then. I left Charleston in the dark where it was 25 degrees max and the snow was blowing. Denver must be a real mess, if Charleston is so bad, right?
We finally made it into Denver (and I get the iron keister award I think) and I had to shed my heavy coat. Yeah, in WV it was cold and windy and snowy and in Denver it was 55 and sunny. Surely the end of the world is near…
The training starts tomorrow morning so I had a little time to spend roaming around the city. Denver has some really cool architecture and museums. I really wanted to stand on the steps of the state capitol so I could say I was exactly one mile above sea level. Let me tell you friends, it is every bit as exciting as it sounds…

After the capitol, I headed to the Denver Art Museum (it’s full of DAM art as they say). Anyhow, I walked up to the entry of the DAM which is a super cool building, by the way. Of course, the door showed that the place was closed on Mondays. Ugh. Foiled. Why on Earth would they close it on Mondays? Didn’t they know I was coming? Even when they are open, their hours stink so I guess they will have to go on without being able to say that I visited.
Well, since Denver is on Mountain time, and since I rarely see 4:30 am, I am sort of glad that the city closes early. So, what did I miss?
I have never been there, but can I say your beard is coming in FUR-ociously!
It’s closed on Monday because it’s open on Sunday, I’m guessing.
That time difference is a drag, huh?
Enjoy the warm weather. Take some home with you.
It’s been a while since I have been to Denver, but my favorite bookstore ever, The Tattered Cover, is there.
We could lend you a little snow. We have more than enough and it’s still coming. Ugh!
My husband travels to Denver all the time for work. Well, not as much as he used to. Maybe that’s your job now! lol