We spent last weekend with my family at my brother’s place in MD. We had all sorts of fun but I’ll tell you about that later. So, Sunday, we were travelling back home to West-by-God-Virginia and had to make various pit-stops. We stopped some for drinks or snacks, some for “rest” and some to shop. Well, I don’t really shop much so I’d say our stop at the outlet mall in Flatwoods, WV was more to buy. Anyhow, as Isaac and I walked into one store, we came upon a sign. It’s funny…I love that the kids “get” stuff now. Isaac looked at me, and I looked at him and he started laughing at the wording. Lots of stuff ran through my head including the importance of words and education and planning, but I think that it was all apparent to Isaac, even if only subconsciously. He saw the mistakes that were made in that sign and understood why words matter. Of course, I think he takes that to mean that he shouldn’t write any more than is absolutely necessary. He loves to talk but trying to get that boy to hand-write a note is like pulling weeds…with your teeth. Anyhow, I am pretty proud to say that he can properly use “they’re”, “there”, and “their” and that he knew that the wording of the sign was completely wrong.
During one of our stops, we pulled into a rest area someplace near the top of the world (or so it seemed). The rest area had a great view so we took a few minutes to observe before our ears froze. After getting our fill of the landscape, we walked into the place and they had signs around including this one…
I don’t think it ever would have occurred to me that the appliance before me was a water fountain. Again, Isaac looked at me and I at him and we both just busted out laughing! I am pretty germ-a-phobic (which is weird since I am not dainty about much of anything) so I am pretty glad we had alcohol hand sanitizer (which we call germ wash) in the car. Honestly, I use the stuff every time I enter my car. Weird, huh? Anyhow, we subdued our thirst and pressed on towards home.

We had a great trip all around, but I think one of my favorite parts was this ride home. It’s cool how the simplest of times with the family can make for the best of times!
You know, isn’t that the truth? I used to tell Honey/Butch that the VERY best time of the week was Saturday lunch!
Our kids also loved driving to Florida every year. They thought it was such an adventure. Of course, we hated the drive.
I need a sign like that for the cats… We had a great weekend, thanks to you and the fam for visiting.
At least the comma was used in the proper place in the first sign.
Have you taught Isaac to flush using his foot or is that something men don’t do?
Oh no! That sign over the urinal is priceless! The first one–I wonder if it was someone trying to translate something from another language to English? It kinda reads that weay. Otherwise, it’s just plain weird.
In a ladies room at a library, I once saw a sign that said, “Please ladies, no skidmarks on the seats!” It took me a while to get what it meant, and then I was just dumbfounded. Really!
Well, I guess it’s all due to the courtesy!
I always loved the ride from Maryland back home to West Virginia. Stopping at Flatwoods and there used to be the best antique store in Weston that we always stopped at. The signs are CRAZY!!!! The one in the bathroom! seriously! Who would drink the water from there! I also carry around the antibacterial wipes in my truck. I have to use them every time I get in. You can thank Opra and shows like that for that one! lol
Merry Christmas!
A germ-a-phobe, and yet you lick public landmarks???? Go figure.
That sign over the urinal is a trip. Wonder what prompted the placing of the sign THERE. Mmmmhmmmm. You know somebody did it…
Isn’t it fun, as the kids get older, when you can see them “get” stuff like that?
I can’t believe how quickly the kids are maturing…especially Isaac. Had a wonderful visit and likewise a beautiful trip home to PA. The views at various places were out of this world. That everyone for a great visit.
hi bee man this is butch. wanted to let you know i enjoy reading and lurking on your blog but as you know i do not comment.but after this post and now knowing of your love of the word and funny signs, i wanted to clue you in to a great and funny internet site. it is called engrish so funny check it out with your son and i hope you enjoy. some of it is not family friendly so i do caution you.
Great post… and so true of the times. Too busy at my end, but I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and BEEautiful New Year!
Hey folks, I hope you all have an excellent Christmas! I can’t believe how the kids are growing up. I love to see them get stuff like this but it also scares me to death…it means they are getting older! Anyhow, due to the courtesy of my readers, hmmm….yeah, I can’t make it work.