So yesterday, I mentioned that we went camping last weekend. The spot where we camped is on the back side of our hay field which lays on a bit of a slope. We drove both vehicles down to the edge of the woods and left them there overnight so we could have easy access to the junk that remained in them.

Since we knew it was to get hot, we decided to get an early start. I am so glad there are no near-neighbors because I started the chainsaw at 6:30 am. Anyhow, we packed up camp and planned to move the car and van to the end of the hay field where I am erecting my bear-deterring fence for the bees. Emily started up the Subaru and drove right off though the thigh-high grass in the field. The van did not fare so well. The tires spun but the van never moved.
It was clear to me that we were not going to simply drive out so we had to go to plan b. And then it struck me. My friend Maria over at Chicken Blog sent me a cool book last year called Fifty Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do). One of the things the book suggests is to let your kids drive a car.
So, I climbed out of the van and hollered at Isaac. He’s 11 (and a year older than I was when I first drove a car). I told him to get in and drive. He looked at me with that, “Yeah right” look but I opened the door and pointed. He climbed in and was terrified. I think that was the proper response. We did a crash-course on driving and then I went behind the van. I planned to nudge it to get it moving while he drove it slowly and steadily across the field. He started off ok, but when it didn’t immediately move, he gunned it. White smoke rolled from under the tires.
“Dad, the speedometer showed 60!” I have no doubt about it. Isaac drove the car 60 mph in the hay field but didn’t move an inch! We re-visited our driving lesson and on try #2, he successfully drove the van right across the hay field and up to the dirt road. The boy was so excited and could not have been prouder of himself. Although his friends did not believe him when he got back to school on Tuesday, he will probably always remember the first time he got to drive a car. Sometimes a little (controlled) danger can be a good thing!
You’re right. The first time you drove dad took you and your brother down in the woods and left you with the truck. He walked back home and told you to get the truck back. It was a standard shift too so that added to the pressure. What an adventure that was for you two. After that you wanted drive in the yard all the time. We had a path the whole summer. What good memories.
I love your moms comment! lol You are making some great memories of your new farm for your kids! Your son will always remember the first time he got to drive! I remember the first time I got to drive. Dad drove down to the Eleanor Fairgrounds and let me drive in a field down there. I was in the car by myself too! lol I believe I was around 12 at the time. I drove the car all the time after that! lol I’m an excellent driver because of it!
So, did you ever get the van out of the hay field?
I first drove back country roads when I was 11. We were dove hunting and my dad let me drive–about 15 mph. Still, it served me well.
“I have no doubt about it. Isaac drove the car 60 mph in the hay field but didn’t move an inch!”
How cool is that? I don’t think I drove until drivers ed.
CapriK – he drove again this weekend. I am not sure he did any better but it is more time behind the wheel anyhow…
A bear-deterring fence? This is not a problem British bee-keepers suffer from!! How beautiful your countryside is. So lush and verdant.
Kate – glad to hear from you! Unfortunately, it is a problem that many (but not all) beekeepers have to deal with. Most folks never see a bear, but I am going to be in the woods to be sure and there are bears (and coyotes and…) around. It will be interesting!