It just doesn’t have a ring, does it? We watched Julie and Julia the other night and it just has a ring that makes it perfect. But forget the ring. I really really liked the movie. Now don’t tell my guy friends but I might even buy a copy of the video for my collection. I am not sure what made me like it so much but I have been walking around the house talking like Julia Child.
There were all sorts of neat things that Julie and Julia made in the movie but one thing in particular stood out to me. I guess I needed to shoot for my something in my ability range but I really liked the scene when Julie was trying to make poached eggs. Unlike Julie, I have eaten a lot of eggs in my life but never have I had a poached egg. Julie struggled cooking poached eggs so I thought the challenge would be fun for me. So, I consulted Betty Crocker and followed her recommendations.
Betty and I are like peas in a pod I guess. We even had the exact same custard dishes that she used in the pictures in the cookbook. Perhaps I channeled Betty but the steps seemed pretty simple. I boiled 2 inches of water, cracked my eggs into custard cups and poured the eggs (quickly..that’s the secret) into the water. They foamed a little bit but I let them boil for 4 minutes and scooped them out with a slotted spoon.
I didn’t have any trouble like Julie did and I am so glad. Poached eggs are a lot like hard boiled eggs without the shell except they aren’t quite hard boiled and they do seem to taste a little different to me. I am not sure why but it was a good taste and I will definitely make them again!
So, after eating my poached eggs, it occurred to me that there are probably other things that are kinda well known but that I have never cooked or eaten. I started making a list but I would really like it if you, my friends, could suggest some stuff that I should cook and eat that are sort of famous…I am going to make Eggs Benedict next.
Yosemite Sam always used to say, “Sufferin’ succotash” and it occurred to me that I have never had succotash. And then I got to thinking about fancy stuff that people are supposed to know about…like bananas foster and cherries jubilee. I have never made ratatouille either…it’s a cool movie for sure but I have no idea what it tastes like…not like the rats/mice in the movie I hope but I am willing to try.
Anyhow, I promise I won’t go down some cooking-blog-road (not that there is anything wrong with that) but can anyone help me with some more things I need to make? I am not trying to find myself or escape from my job like Julie was, but I could probably use a new excuse to sample a little wine and eat too much. Help!
Fried green tomatoes? I personally haven’t had that though I have eaten a green tomato pie that was delicious.
Fried Green tomatoes are delicious. You should like them Warren. That’s all I craved when a pregnant with you. Of course is was June and there weren’t any green tomatoes to be had anywhere. Your dad came through for me though. Now about succotash….you don’t like lima beans so you probably won’t like it.
I don’t think I would like poached eggs. I like my yolks to be well done so I don’t think I’d try them. I know I used to eat eggs runny when I was a kid but at some point that changed and I can’t go back!
I wanted to try ratatouille after seeing the movie but after looking at the recipe for it, which I can’t remember what all is in it at this time, I decided that I knew I wouldn’t like it ether.
Your mom’s comment cracks me up! My mom craved no bake cookies when she was pregnant with me. I know how to make the best no bake cookies in this world too! 🙂
OK this made me laugh, and I do love Julie and Julia, but like you I am more at home with Betty Crocker. Plus, I manage to NEVER stick to anyone’s recipe anyway, so maybe mine’s entitled Robbyn and…Robbyn?? lol I’ve never made eggs like that…well, intentionally at least! Maybe you’ve started a trend. I gotta try it now!
I like my Poached eggs a little less done than that, got to be runny yolks. Eggs Benedict is wonderful IF you have a good Hollandaise Sauce. Either Betty let me down on that one or I just haven’t got the knack yet. I decided to stick to Elias Brother’s for my Eggs Benedict.
Now as for a suggestion, lets keep it to breakfast, have you ever tried Dead Man’s Stew? Torn up toast covered in warm milk. Or just plain bread and (cold) milk? Or even crackers and milk?
Hmm, big cooking challenge with yummy results—-homemade caramels. My mom has a recipe that rocks! It’s really all about having a candy thermometer and 45 minutes to stand at the stove stirring.
I loved the Julia part of Julie/Julia. I guess Amy Adams nailed the Julie part (didn’t like her at all, nor care for her story). Turns out Julie is a real wacko in person as well.
PS…Dude, I have to do math to leave a comment! Today, I have to do multiplication! _____ x 4=thirty six.
I haven’t seen the movie, but I have the book – I just need to read it!
I’ve made succotash and poached eggs, but never Eggs Benedict (which is a shame, because I’ve ordered it in restaurants and love it!)
Looking forward to hearing about more of your cooking adventures 🙂
I have an egg poacher! It’s a pan with four little cups suspended in a holder. The pan is like a skillet; the water boils in the bottom and the eggs cook in the little cups. My English Mom taught me how to make them, and also how to make coddled eggs. I have 4 egg coddlers too. Any wonder I have chickens?
We used to make poached eggs as you did, but Mom always added a teaspoon of vinegar to the water, as I recall. I think it made the eggs hold together in a tighter shape.
Any way you make ’em, I love eggs! Fried, boiled, coddled, poached, scrambled, quiche, omelet, Eggs Benedict, Toad in the Hole, Egg Drop Soup, egg salad, hard boiled, soft boiled…the only way I don’t like them is pickled!
Foods I’d like to try but haven’t yet? I’d have to think about that…
Good for you Warren! It’s good to learn new things, keep on fluffing those dendrites!
I like my yolks runny too, so I’m not sure I would be a fan of the poached.
I would like to try a green tomato pie. Eat one that is!
I liked that movie, I should watch it again. Julia was so sweet.