The first day of school was last Friday. It’s been so nuts around here that I haven’t had time to even think about it and here it is day 3! My babies are growing up! I am sure I am not the only one to feel this but it seems like this summer has flown by faster than any other.

Isaac is playing middle school soccer and I am one of the coaches for the team. We are running around 6 days a week with practice right now. Abigail is about to start soccer and her singing in the Appalachian Children’s Chorus. So, what does that all have to do anything? I don’t know what I am trying to say other than holy cow, school is here already! Next thing it will be Christmas!
Anyhow, the kids got off to a good start for school this year. I am so proud to see them growing up so well and they are becoming interested in interesting things. Some folks have a tough time seeing their kids grow up but I couldn’t be happier to see them develop. Of course, some times I wish it would slow down some, but I do not want time to stop. There is way too much yet to see!
Looks like Issac has had a big growth spurt over the summer! I too think summer went by way too fast this year. We didn’t do a lot of things that I had planned on doing. My kids don’t start until Thursday and I’m not ready for it at all.
Isaac is about as tall as I am. His feet are 4 full sizes bigger than mine too. I suspect he will be a giant!
I have always had the same feelings about my kids growing up. I am proud of them. I’m amazed by them. I don’t miss the baby days at all. I do miss the simplicity of their younger days, though. Good luck to you, Emily and your kiddos as they wade through another school year.
I def do not miss the baby stage…I like them just as they are…can’t imagine going back!
I feel the same way. Each stage gets better and better. And now its great to see my children all grown making a success of their lives and raising wonderful children of their own. The best is yet to come.
I know what you mean, it seems like every time I turn around it’s the beginning of school. Christmas or the end of the school year!
This is the first year in a very long time that we are not following the public school calendar! We dropped The Boy off at college in Chicago on Saturday, Ab-Cat started her NEW job this morning and Mousey starts college on Wednesday. It’s all different but all good!
Oh.My.Word. Isaac looks ginormous! Abigail looks her sweet, petite self!