“Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam…” – The Princess Bride
The kids sat down last night with Emily and me to watch the Princess Bride on the eve of our wedding anniversary. Nineteen years ago today Emily and I were married hoping that, “…wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva…” We were young and maybe a little dumb but getting married was the best non-dumb thing I did when I was 22. And so far, wuv has followed us. We joked last night about some of the funny things that happened on our honeymoon like the worms and crows. Emily told the kids what I think is my favorite story to tell other people about our honeymoon…

We were engaged for 2 or so years before we got married and we had dated before that so we pretty well knew each other and mostly had a good idea that we were going to be married early on and that it was going to be ok…or so I thought. The wedding was stressful and my face was locked in a perma-smile for days but the ceremony was fun and went well. We finished up at the reception and headed off to our honeymoon destination. We were broke so there wasn’t money for anything exotic. We went to a nearby state park that had a nice lodge and stayed there. We ate and hauled our stuff to the room and basically collapsed in exhaustion. Within a few minutes, Emily started crying, “What have I gotten myself in to?” Over and over. It’s not like we were having problems or anything…reality just struck her…on our wedding night! I suspect she still doesn’t exactly know what she has gotten herself into as I like to keep her guessing but it’s worked out pretty well and the wedding apparently “took”. So happy anniversary to you Emily! I look forward to annoying you for a lot longer!