You may not be aware but today is Pi Day…not American-as-apple-pie pie but 3.1415-remember-geometry-and-circles Pi Day! It’s March 14…that is, 3.14! Lots of people might ignore such a day but without circles and their measurement and pi in general, our world would be a much less fun place. Science and math make the world go ’round…get it? Round…circles…pi!

The number π is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. I am a computer programmer by trade and took a lot of math classes as I went through my schooling so I was exposed to a lot of this but if you have not had tons of math exposure, you should definitely read the info about pi on wikipedia…it is truly fascinating!
So, to honor this special day, we baked a pi…I mean a pie last night. I took a bunch of pics of the process but that was boring. Instead, I figure it might be more interesting to see a few pics that clearly illustrate what pi is and how it relates to the humble circle.
Weren’t those super cool?!

(Or try here if that doesn’t work)
Here’s something else that is pretty cool…when Isaac was in elementary school, he took it upon himself to learn pi to 50 digits. He still remembers it and recited it for me! Abigail recently began to memorize it and she knows it to 12 digits. For most intents and purposes, 4 or 5 digits is plenty but more precision is…well…more precise so why not learn it?! Incidentally, the memorization of the digits of pi is called piphilology. The world record for memorizing the digits of pi is 67,890…that’s amazing!

(or try here if that doesn’t work)
So friends…enjoy this pretty cool day and get your ovens baking…it’s Pi Day!