Our house is pretty typical of old houses. Ours was built in 1939 and has tons of character. We have three full baths which I suppose is strange for a house of that era. We a small kitchen which also seems odd. Anyhow, what seems right in line with my impression of older houses is the fact that the master bedroom closet is small. I suppose that folks in 1939 had a few outfits, suits, etc and that was pretty much it. A small closet would have suited them fine.

We do not have excessive closet needs but we do have some closet needs. Emily uses the closet in the master bedroom (which is smaller than the closet I had as a kid) and I use the one (of the same size as Emily’s) in the spare bedroom next door. I guess to differentiate the master closet as special, the original builders included a pull-chain light in her closet. My closet, however, being only a guest closet, was not likewise equipped.

We’ve been doing all sorts of projects on the house and this weekend, as part of another bigger project, I decided it was time to remedy my pitiful light-less closet. You see, a happy closet is one that has a light and a switch…not just a pull chain. I am proud to say that I have the happiest closet in the house. Emily’s closet, though once a happy closet, is now feeling switch envy. I suppose it won’t be far behind mine as its owner won’t tolerate the closet’s whining for long.

Anyhow, for a short time at least, I have the happiest closet in our old house and another of my dreams is fulfilled!