Isaac and Abigail’s aunt and uncle got them a rain guage for Christmas this year and they have been fascinated by it ever since. Abigail in particular checks it for rainfall and then empties it everyday on our way to school. Well, this has been an active year for her to say the least. I looked at the NOAA site for information on how much rain we have gotten this year. Charleston averages 44.05 inches of rain per year and July is typically the wettest month with an average of 4.86 inches. From January 1 until June 30, we got 26.28 inches, above the average of 21.98 inches for the same period. Last year we only got 15.65 inches in the first half of the year. July is looking like it will continue this year’s wet trend. Our rain guage measured 1.7 inches from yesterday’s rainfall though the official measurement for the day was 1.16 (officially we got 1.54 the day before also). Anyhow, it seems so strange to get so much rain since we have been pretty dry (it seems) the last bunch of years. I prefer the green grass compared to the brown grass of last year but it is not welcome inside my house. The basement has some wet spots. Fortunately, it has floor drains too!