We worked on the place again and made good progress. The floor needed another layer of OSB to really suit my tastes so we got that installed and screwed down first thing. Oh wait, the first thing we did was finish getting the second sheet of OSB hung around the outside walls. Then we did the floor. We laid down the last piece of flooring and check out how well it fit! I am so thankful that everything is square:
We also persuaded Isaac to involve himself with the building of this place. He did a great job screwing down 2 sheets of flooring. My brother bought me a new Makita impact driver which is AWESOME! It is so fast and light.
Anyhow, Isaac was running that and got a bit of the Dirty Harry feel going for him. I guess he was feeling like he needed to pick on Abigail some though as he split after sheet #2 was installed. Still, it was a great thing seeing the boy work!
The inspector checking on things…
So, after we got the outer walls done and the flooring down, we started on the inner walls. On Sunday, we were able to get the interior walls for the bathroom and kitchen built. We also hung about 1/3 of the sleeping loft’s floor joists. We should be able to finish that pretty quickly which will make all of the high-up work like the last of the outer walls’ OSB and the roof rafters go up pretty easily. The only thing that I though I was going to like but don’t is the 8 foot ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen (and eventually, everywhere else).

It’s too high and we lose some of the advantage of the added height of the exterior walls. I am not redoing it now though so we are going to have really nice high rooms in our deluxe shed, or, as I have been calling it, the city-slickers’ deer stand!
See all of the progress on the cabin
In my line of work, we need a high quality, high power, light, durable and ability to work in small areas impact driver. I tried several but by far the best in my opinion is the very one you got, the Makita impact driver. When my high quality, high power, heavy and large DeWalt wears out at home, if it ever does, I’m getting a Makita.
I’m wondering if once you get the walls closed in and the ceiling in if that 8′ won’t seem so high??? Although it might be nice to have a little more head room in the loft.
You had such a great weather weekend for working! Very exciting to see this come together so quickly. 🙂
I want an impact driver..it’s on my Christmas list. Glad to know you like the Makita!
You’ll love higher ceilings once it gets finished. We have 9 foot ceilings downstairs and 8 foot upstairs. I think the downstairs rooms feel bigger because of the extra height. And you’ll be able to add extra storage above your kitchen cabinets with the higher ceilings. It will work out. 🙂
Pa Ingalls would be SO proud of your shanty!
It’s looking good, I hope your weather holds out!