They say any lock or chain is really only designed to keep an honest man honest. I definitely think that is true, but some men need a little more help than others. As we work on our small cabin, we carry a generator to run power tools as we need them. I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but generators are very tempting for people to snatch.
I have cut chain with bolt cutters before. I was surprised how easy it was to get through a typical chain with bolt cutters. It’s all about the leverage. That concerned me as I considered leaving the generator on my trailer, somewhere at my house or at the cabin. I looked around at options and discovered square-link security chain. For bolt cutters to truly work properly, they must bite on a typical round chain. Security chain is shaped differently which makes it very difficult to cut with typical bolt cutters.
Of course, specialty chain is pretty expensive and any chain is only as strong as its weakest link so I bought a serious lock to go with it. I am not sure if any thievery has been thwarted, but I still have both my chain and my generator!
I hide mine in plain site, in a locked box on the front porch.
That is one big mutha lock and chain!!! Consider me deterred!