We harvested yellow summer squash on Saturday when my parents were here for a visit. I didn’t count but I suppose we collected around 25 perfect sized squash. We ate a bunch of it and gave some away. I have a bunch of it in the dehydrator also. Squash is around 94% water so dehydration can significantly reduce the volume for storage. We haven’t tried to rehydrate and use squash yet but we have had luck with bell peppers and hot peppers. I expect we’ll use it in with other stuff more than we will eat it in a squash-only dish. We’ll see.
Anyhow, I took some pics a while back of bumblebees in the squash flowers. We have quite a few plants and there were tons (I didn’t count but I am positive it was over 100) bumblebees in the flowers.
Many flowers had two or three bumblebees. It is paying off now.
I think the flowers must be too deep for my honeybees to get nectar from it as I never saw a single honeybee. Anyhow, there are still a lot of flowers and bumblebees so I guess we’ll have a lot of squash. I surely hope so…I love it!