Stuff that makes me smile

You know, sometimes I just get home from work and I get a big smile on my face.  There are so many cool things going on during spring that I just can’t help myself.  Here are a few things that made me smile yesterday when I got home from work.

This color yellow…

This color purple…

And this color purple…

The smell of black locust blooms…the bees were enjoying as well of course.  Gosh, the smell is heavenly.  I wish I could share the scent in the air with you.  When I release my own perfume line, it will be called “Warren” of course, but will be the smell of black locust blooms!

We feed birds all sorts of seeds and suet cakes. This one female rose breasted grossbeak has learned to open the suet cage and help herself. She’s no dummy for sure. I smiled (out loud) when I saw her going to town with no impediment!

And finally, although this didn’t happen yesterday, Jim Carey almost always makes me smile!

Anyhow, what makes you smile?

18 thoughts on “Stuff that makes me smile

  1. You make me smile, well most of the time but Jim Carey. Whose son are you?

  2. Awesome pics warren, did you take the one of that grosbeak? You’ll have to let me know when “Warren” hits the markets, as I’ve never smelled black locust before!

    farm mom’s last blog post..The Garden in Spring

  3. Mom – Along with a friend of mine, I have actually serenaded another person in a restaurant like Jim Carey did…with my butt…remember his butt talking in Ace Ventura?

    Farm Mom – no, I didn’t take the pic of the bird. She kept flying off when I tried to get a pic with my crappy camera. And I am so sorry you haven’t smelled black locust…I love that smell!

  4. Smile worthy:
    The Office, Jim Gaffigan, Gerry Dee, our kids, spring days, old pictures, playing games with the kids, the end of a really good book. I could go on all day, I’ll reign it in.

    Capri Kel’s last blog post..Very Random Thoughts

  5. Mmmmmm…derby pie…that looks soooo yummy.
    Dogs, chickens, goats, donkeys, salamanders, bats, butterflies, veggies growing in my garden, my husband driving in the driveway, hanging with my boys…these things all make me smile really big.

    Farmgirl_dk’s last blog post..A Saturday introduction

  6. Your posts almost always make me smile.
    Paddy the beaver.
    My chickens.
    My bff Mrs. Schmenkman.
    Baby animals at the wildlife center. ANy baby animals actually.

    Caprilis’s last blog post..Test Swim

  7. Smile you say? My kids, my husband walking in the door, llamas, Spring, my garden, Dots, m and m’s, the color orange, hummingbirds, oh, and muck boots.

  8. I can’t wait for Warren to come out.
    My kids’ smiles, a newborn goat kid, my dogs and watching kids accomplish something better than what they were trying to.

    Gizmo’s last blog post..Gloomy Day

  9. I’ll tell you what made me smile yesterday. After I got home, Lily said she had a surprise. She asked me to sit in this chair while she brought me my gift. The seat looked suspiciously positioned and she had a real goofy smile on her face. So I plopped down in the chair to the sound of POOOOT! Yes, my husband had bought her a whoopie cusion. Nothing like a toot to bring smiles to the room.

  10. The honest answer? It makes me smile when my kids tell bathroom jokes. How am I ever going to get them to stop when it’s so hilarious? Though, there’s some hope with my oldest. She is beginning to think I am the one who is immature. Surely that’s a beginning.

    Lynnie’s last blog post..Animals We Know Nothing About

  11. Good question.. Hmm. What makes me smile… Like you, lots of things make me smile! The first things that comes to mind relate to sleeping. I love watching the people that I love sleep, that makes me smile. And waking up in the morning without an alarm clock and not having to rush out of bed makes me smile. And the sound of my favourite bird, the song sparrow, makes me smile every time.

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