The time has come to stow the garden. It seems like just yesterday that we were fussing over getting the seeds ordered. Before we knew it, we needed to get them started…we were late getting them in afterall. Of course that’s typical. We watched patiently as the tiny spouts pushed through the ground. It was almost as if they doubled overnight. Of course…they did. They grew and grew and the most beautiful array of blossoms came.
Honeybees and bumblebees and all manner of flying critter visited to taste the sweet nectar. Of course, they got creative and sometimes visited the habaneros right before the sweet bell peppers…not so sweet any more. Everything grew and grew and we watched eagerly, waiting for the chaos of canning and cooking to begin. It’s hard to beat the food we get directly from the garden. It’s hard to beat the fun of cutting and chopping up the harvest and stuffing it into canning jars. It’s hard to beat the sound of the pressure cooker clicking away it into the wee hours of the morning.
“Gee whiz, are we still canning stuff?” “When will this stuff ever end?” “This garden is killing us.” “Oh, just freeze all of that. I can do no more canning!” “Next year, we are absolutely not planting as much!” “This is craziness!” “In fact, I don’t want any garden next year! We need to have a life too!” “NO GARDEN!”
“Ahhhh…look at out pantry! It’s full! That work wasn’t so bad afterall, was it? It’s definitely worth it! I mean, look at all of that free food!” “Free? Do you remember last month when…” “Oh yes, I know, but did you see all of that free food?!” “Yeah, I know.”
“So, it’s a little early, but don’t you think we should think about what we want to plant next year?” “Oh yeah…and all that free food…we should definitely plant more!”
“Gee whiz, are we still canning stuff?” “When will this stuff ever end?” “This garden is killing us.” “Oh, just freeze all of that. I can do no more canning!” “Next year, we are absolutely not planting as much!” “This is craziness!”
Hahahaha. I hear ya! I remember telling my H “I hate that pressure canner and I never want to see it again” “Can’t we just give the chickens all that produce” “There has got to be a homeless shelter around here that will put all this to good use” “If I burn the house down I won’t have to can anything else”
Then I look at all those pretty jars stacked so neatly and I am so glad I did… Be strong.
.-= Debbie´s last blog ..Roses and Raspberries =-.
Wasn’t it just 5 minutes ago that you planted???
Every year I say I’m not going to do it. Then I do it.
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..What Doing? =-.
More green beans for sure – and less garlic!!!
It feels ‘free’ doesn’t it?
Once you get a harvest of any sort, there’s no going back. You’ll be hooked forever.
.-= Ceecee´s last blog ..A Public Service Announcement =-.
It is a strange cycle that we go through but I can’t help but do it again. We add a little variety each year though the staples remain. I am sure the seed catalogs will be here before we know it and we’ll start all over again!
I know exactly what you mean. It’s been crazy busy here all summer with nary an hour to rest. But rest comes in the winter and those rewards in jars in the pantry make us want to do it all again next summer. All the canning also saves time running to to the grocery store and cooking in the winter. I have 35 quarts of tomato soup which are instant meals (and each quart will provide 2 meals). So I more than make up the time later.
This is one reason I like growing squash, all you have to do it bring it in and set it in the corner, no canning required!
.-= Chiot’s Run´s last blog ..Cleaning up the Garden =-.
I totally know what you mean, unfortunately for me this year, I didn’t get to “experience” it. I have also thought of what to buy for next year’s garden but I kept telling myself perhaps I shouldn’t since I didn’t really get to see any of what I bought last year.
.-= YDavis´s last blog ..Corny =-.
That sure sounds familiar.
I didn’t do any canning this year and the pantry is looking so sorrowful.
.-= Caprilis´s last blog ..Paddy’s Getting Sexy =-.
What? Are you kidding? Its almost time to plant garlic again….
.-= frugalmom´s last blog ..Multi Purpose =-.
Oh I feel your pain…if I wash one more jar I’ll scream! Kim
.-= the inadvertent farmer´s last blog ..The King is Sick Now… =-.
That looks so good… I didn’t do much canning this year. A fair bit of frozen veggies, but I would have enjoyed putting up a lot more. Good job there- in a couple months you’ll be so thankful!
.-= Beau´s last blog ..Changes in Autumn =-.
We do have a few cushaw squash stashed away nicely in the corner…no canning necessary. This year, the garden was not as good as in previous years, but we still tucked away some. I do love to eat that good stuff through the winter.
And yup, Marcee…we plant garlic just as soon as we get even close enough to dry to get in the garden!
It is work-but the feeling of looking at your jars all lined up-is priceless!
.-= tipper´s last blog ..The Deep River Ghost – Spooky October 3 =-.
I looked last night….there are still red paste tomatoes for the picking in our garden. I’m thinking we need a HARD frost
.-= Kris Bair´s last blog ..Happy birthday to you….. =-.
tipper – it is strangely soothing isn’t it?
kris – we finally got a hard frost last night…ahhh…relief!