After minutes and minutes browsing the World Wide Web coupled with my experience playing doctor as a child, I have determined that I have gynencephaherpalitis. That’s right…it’s full blown and apparently not getting better on its own. Don’t cry for me though friends. My affairs are in order and if the worst should happen, I have entrusted my son with my prize booger collection and all of my cigar rings. It’s my poor wife I worry about…how could she possibly go on with out me?! I am that amazing. No doubt, the pain would be too great…oh, please watch out for her dear friends…
Ok…hold on…not ready for that yet (I hope). I went to the doc last Friday and was fully stocked up with medicines and salves and elixirs. I tried incantatory chants and even sang a little Barry Manilow hoping to get this junk to go away. It was all to no avail. I called the doc again and she said if I wasn’t on the upswing by today that she would get me in for a chest x-ray and a high colonic (for good measure).
Don’t worry…I’ll take pictures
Hoping you’re feeling better for Turkey Day!!
Well, I must say–your title certainly got my attention. :
I hope you and Barry Manilow get to feeling better, sooner than later.
In the mean time, stay away from your wife. She really doesn’t need the yuck that your title suggests. 🙂
.-= Ceecee´s last blog ..Giddy! =-.
Hope you get to feeling better fast! Rest and relax.
.-= Mandie´s last blog ..Porch is finished! =-.
It’s a good thing men don’t have to go through child birth. All that whining…. Seriously though – you are pretty pathetic and I hope the new meds help. In the meantime, listen to Ceecee and STAY AWAY from me.
Dear Emily.
You are saintly.
Warren is in our prayers. Earnest, heartfelt prayers, because No One Wants To See *Those* Pictures!
Get well soon Warren. Poor baby. 🙁
.-= caprilis´s last blog ..PLEASE !!!!! =-.
That sounds vaguely gynecological.And that is just wrong.
I certainly hope you get better soon.This has been l.e.n.g.t.h.y.
Poor Emily. My Mom always said she would rather take care of 10 sick kids, than 1 sick husband!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..Thankful =-.
And how are you feeling today?
Happy Thanksgiving.
.-= suchlovelyfreckles´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving =-.
Oh goodness, I hope you feel better- and a Happy Thanksgiving nonetheless. Hang in there!
.-= Beau´s last blog ..Life and Thankful Days =-.
Whatever you do don’t spread it around…you are in isolation right? Wives do not need our hubby’s giving us their germs!
Get well soon, Kim
.-= the inadvertent farmer´s last blog ..An Ode to Black Friday… =-.
Are you ok???!!!
.-= Caprilis´s last blog ..I’ve Created a Monster =-.
Yuck. I hope you get better.