So, I have been wearing out the Las Vegas theme lately. I enjoyed the company and the business aspects of Las Vegas, but the city itself reminded me of a trailer park. It has to be the tackiest, most overinflated place on Earth. Seeing the extravagance in Las Vegas was, in my opinion, an attempt to surround folks who wouldn’t know classy if it came in framed with a certificate of authenticity, with symbols of gluttony and greed and every other class-less thing one could imagine. I don’t claim to be classy, but I am well aware of that fact and don’t try to pretend that I am.
Ok, sorry to anyone who lives there…so I took some more pics (and I promise that these will be the last) of some of the spectacle of Las Vegas…

Ok, I am not being entirely fair…there is a lot of neat architecture in Las Vegas and I saw many cool cool things too…
The water show at Bellagio is excellent. Click the picture for a video

Have you ever been to Las Vegas? What did you think?
We went with Geoff, on business and when Vegas was in the midst of their “Vegas for families” campaign. Since someone else was paying and I got clean towels and cooked meals… I was stoked. But I wholeheartedly take your side. Vegas could not be more overdone and did you notice how glazed people get… they wander around waiting to be entertained or catered to, like spoiled, overstimulated…
never mind. It was fun, because it is surreal and ridiculous and because I didn’t have to stay a third night.
Of the places I would like to visit, Vegas doesn’t even make the list.
Ya, I can’t say that Vegas is on my top ten list of places I want to see before I die. Glad you had the experience though, shows you that there is no place like home.
.-= Mandie´s last blog ..Applesauce Cinnamon Ornaments =-.
We’ll be going there for the first time in January. I just wanted to be able to say I’ve seen it at least once. Sort of like being in Times Square on New Years Eve…you do it once and never again.
Never been… think it would be kinda cool to do one time, but then again I absolutly hate crowds. So, we’ll probably never go… I’m not devastated by that.
.-= Caprilis´s last blog ..A View From The Bedroom Window Part 3 =-.
I have SO many memories of Las Vegas, I would be hard pressed to tell you which one I hated the MOST! Worst family vacation we have ever had. How we ever were suckered into the ‘Vegas for families’ campaign I will never know.
That place has a HIGH ick factor.
.-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..The Blustery Day =-.
I hate Vegas. Too many people, too many lights. And I’m sorry to be saying this, but to watch all those morbidly obese people sit in casinos all day long, munching on crap and feeding money machines, awful. I had a few good moments, but mainly I just really hated it.
.-= suchlovelyfreckles´s last blog ..Little lessons… =-.
I’ve never been there, but can totally relate to the experiences you had.
My husband has had to go there on work trips and said it’s someplace to see–just to say you have. It doesn’t even seem real. Tacky is the perfect word for it.
.-= Ceecee´s last blog ..Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover =-.
Never been…hoping I never will! Pretty sure my country bumpkin nervous system might overload, Kim
.-= the inadvertent farmer´s last blog ..Silent Saturday Let the Sun go Down =-.
Never really been there… spent a couple of weeks at Nellis just outside Vegas, but never made it to town. Have been to Reno once! Vegas does seem overblown, but I wouldn’t mind one of those business trips sometime 🙂
.-= Beau´s last blog ..Farewell to a Good Dog =-.
I’ve probably been to Las Vegas 10 times, I love it.
Is is intended to be gaudy and over the top…not classy, and they did a great job of it. The intention is to be totally away from reality, which it is.
There are also a lot of awesome things to do around the area.
.-= Paulette´s last blog ..Things About Me – #8 =-.