You folks never knew I had a secret, did you? Well sure enough, I once had hair. Yeah, that’s the big secret. But these pics looks like I almost ended up being a FBI agent in the 80s I think. I would have had lots of secrets if I had gone that way I think. And with my memory, you should all be glad that I didn’t let my 1987 career choice take hold…I couldn’t keep my lies from my truths straight. I honestly couldn’t remember my way out of a wet paper bag!
I have no idea why we were dressed up, but I definitely remember that get-up. I was especially proud of the knit tie with th squared off bottom…remember those? I had a ton of them. I can’t imagine why I was gussied up as I never wear a tie…well, that is unless it’s for a wedding or a funeral. I figure that either case is the end of a life and worth honoring. Anyhow, with smiles on our faces (my brother and I were quite the duo), I doubt we were going to either a wedding or a funeral…
I worked with a guy a few years ago who always wished for a return to the days when men wore hats and the world was a bit more civilized. I am not sure that time ever really existed but wearing hats would surely make for interesting conversation! It seems like I had a hat just like the one my bother wears in the first picture….hmmm…I think I like nowadays when men don’t wear hats just fine. What about you?
LOL, that first pic is great. Is that a gun tucked in your waistband?
Hats are overrated 😉
Oooo, you were rockin’ that center part in your hair, too.
Hats……hhmmm. I don’t have any feeling about them one way or another. Just about all men in my part of the world were baseball hats or cowboy hats. I don’t even notice them anymore.
We are hat people.
Fez, anyone?
love the old pics. I do remember the suits.
varunner – I didn’t even notice the “heat” until a facebook friend (where I also post this stuff) noticed. But yes indeed, I was packin’
ceecee – I am just glad to have evidence of hair!
natalie vv – now I dig a fez…your boy looks awesome in it!
pat – I shudder to think of the pics you may have of us!