Daily Archives: April 12, 2011

Our house is haunted

Emily was in Florida all week for a training so I was on kid duty.  Call me Mr Mom.  Fortunately, I had some logistical help from family so getting everyone to practice on time was ok.  We really had a great time and I even got all of the laundry and ironing done.  Normally I am not allowed to touch either.  My jobs are dishes, sweeping and toilets…stuff I can’t screw up.  Anyhow, Emily wasn’t there to tell me I couldn’t do laundry so I did it out of spite.

The Ghostbusters shirt was pure coincidence!

Since Emily wasn’t there to do the right thing regarding watching tv with the kids, we decided to watch a ghost hunter show.  They were visiting the Trans-Allegheny Insane Asylum in Weston, WV.  The Asylum is a huge old building where the mentally impared (in all sorts of forms) were sent from pre-Civil War days until the early 1990s.  Emily and I were in an abnormal psychology class together in college and visited the place when there were still patients in residence.  It was much better managed and humane when we were there as compared to when it was “in full bloom” but it was still a horrendous and scary place when we were there.

So, these goof-balls went in and started creeping around listening for spooks and specters of the dead within.  They took pictures of all sorts of stuff and discovered “ghosts” everywhere.  I can’t figure out if those folks actually believed in ghosts or if they were just getting rich making the show.  In either case, the kids and I had a blast debunking their ghosts and spirits.  In so doing, we discovered that our house was full of ghosts too!

Take note of the spirits as indicated by the arrows.  We had discussion with the ghosts and we agreed that we would not exorcise them if they would keep termites away.  We’ll see whether they live up to their end of the bargain…