I know keeping honeybees isn’t for everyone but I remain fascinated by them. This weekend, Isaac and I moved the last of the bee hives that were here in Charleston out to our place in the country. It’s perfectly legal to keep bees in Charleston and WV has a very progressive apiary law that makes it safer for everyone involved. Still, after my episode a few summers ago, I decided that I would no longer keep bees in the city.

Anyhow, I opened the bee hives after the move and took a good look around. I am always amazed that they can survive on the back of a trailer, bumping around up my dirt road and across the hayfield. The bees did great though. I took this video with my phone and was super amazed with the quality of what came out. I hope you enjoy a look at the bees and see how cool they are, even if from across the internets!
They look as happy as bees but weren’t as loud as I expected they would be. I cranked up the volume and that dang bird about blew my eardrums.
They’re cool, you’re cool… all the coolness.
I still want bees. Hubby still doesn’t want bees. Africanized honey bees, neighbors….yada, yada, yada. 🙁
Your talk about bees and your video certainly bring back lots of good memories.
Way cool Warren! They don’t seem to mind at all that they were moved. They will be happy in the country I’m sure!