Things I am going to miss

Since this is the last day we have together, dear friends, I thought I would say  so long and thanks for all the fish.  I guess the apocalypse comes tomorrow so our time is short.  I am going to miss many things, but I guess that’s the way it goes.  Well, here is a list of the top 12 things I am going to miss when I am gone:

  1. My family
  2. You, dear friends
  3. Tahitian Treat and Mountain Dew
  4. The Dukes of Hazzard
  5. Cinnamon mouthwash
  6. Spicy dill pickles
  7. Bagpipes
  8. Pop Rocks
  9. Horseshoes
  10.  Tree frogs
  11. Bongo drums
  12. Blue ball point pens

I am signed up to be a “now zero days” ham radio operator, just in case the world takes a little time to end.  I will broadcast over the air to keep track of how the apocalypse is going…I figure I can stay up late on the radio, since I won’t have to go to work.  I probably won’t bother setting my alarm either.  Hey, this isn’t sounding so bad!


Well friends,  if by some miracle the world doesn’t end, I will be headed to the doc to pump my stomach to get rid of all of the dill pickles, pop rocks and Mountain Dew.  Leave a light on for me just in case!

8 thoughts on “Things I am going to miss

  1. Forgetting about all the ridiculous predictions for a second, I was worried you were going off-air via the blog. Oh yeah, Doomsday. Duh.
    I love your list. Tahitian Treat! How could you forget about Fresca?! And Fun Dips?! And all the Real Housewives?!!?

  2. So you are going to be the pickle eating newscaster/doom predictor from the movie “2012”. Makes me wish I had a ham radio. Do they still make Fresca? I think my list would have to include fishing, target practice, my animals, and fried food. Well, okay, just plain food, I love it all. And where I’m probably going I will miss ice cold water as well. Good luck with the stomach pumping. And see you on the other side of the 21st.

  3. Wouldn’t that beat all. Just about the time this blizzard blows itself out, the world ends. I don’t have any spicy pickles but I do have some sweet pickled peppers. I think I might have a bowl of them just in case.

  4. GW – I bet all those folks not eating fried food are going to regret it tomorrow when we are all gone in the apocalypse. BTW, get a ham radio…it’s not that hard and it’s not that expensive either…at least getting started (which is all I am doing)

    Ed – I think the blizzard is headed our way…the wind is insane right now! Makes for a good time to stay inside and eat pickles!

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