Several months ago we bought tickets for us and several in our family to travel to Cleveland, OH to see the Lion King, the Disney musical that plays on Broadway. Most people have heard about the production and I knew it would be cool, but it was beyond cool! The design and costuming and everything were just amazing! Of course, the production company frowns on pics so you will have to do your own googling (and you should) if you haven’t seen the costuming and sets. We were worried about traveling with Isaac but decided to give it a try and see how we did. By the smiles, I think you will agree that things are going pretty well!
At the Lion King in Cleveland, OH
It was a fun trip in addition to the musical itself. Emily’s folks road in our car and all 6 of us fit very well. We have an SUV which hauled us and our stuff comfortably. Ohio is flat so gas mileage worked out well with all of us taking one car. We stopped several times to let Isaac get out and stretch his legs often. My Mom and cousin met us there so it was a big family affair. Abigail went back to PA with my side of the family for the week. The rest of us stuck around to visit with Emily’s cousin who is a doctor in Cleveland. We had a nice time chatting with him and getting the scoop on Cleveland. It was a pretty fun time just goofing around in the hotel and reading, talking, doing nothing really.

I don’t have much nice to say about Cleveland in general, but their theater district is pretty nice and we had great weather. That being said, I am glad that the city is a couple hundred miles away…just to be sure. As I have found several times recently, being among other people reminds me of how thankful to have the life I have…enough said.

Anyhow, if you have not seen the Lion King, it is a great show and worth your time to go and see. It’s family friendly and really pretty amazing! Timone and Pumba do not disappoint!
Thumbs up! We had a ball too. Abigail doing well at our house. We put her to work as soon as we got here. Nice to have help with the labor around here. (not really, but we do enjoy having her here.)
Sounds like everyone had a great time! Glad that Isaac did well with the trip too. I will have to say that I am a little disappointed Warren….
I can’t believe that you didn’t find something there to lick! lol I really thought I was going to get to see a picture of all of ya’ll licking something there. 
It’s good to see Isaac up and about!!!
So glad you enjoyed the show and the company!
Ditto Angela! Surely there was SOMETHING to lick around the Cleveland area!
I am convinced!
Those Isaac smiles are a happy relief!
Two years ago when our daughter was five, we went to see the musical Oz. She slept through the last half of it but was generally pretty good. That was the first time I felt we could go to such things. Then we had another one. I suppose we have another 4+ years to go before we can start going to such things as a family. Until then, it is a babysitter they go for our sanity at such events!
Well you certainly have diverse tastes in entertainment… from Sharknado to the Lion King!
Glad you had a great time but I’m with you on living out of the city!
That is so cool! I’m so glad Isaac got to go.