I am very embarrassed to admit it, but somehow I missed a year of writing…anything. You know, insert usual excuses here and all that.
Well, as you can imagine, a lot has happened and we have been pretty consumed by the bulk of that. I think I’ll just list a few things, for my own sake, just to keep a record of what we did…

So….Isaac graduated from high school and got a great scholarship to attend college in Ohio. He is majoring in chemistry and his first semester was successful. He plays in several of their bands…marching, jazz, concert, steel drum. You may remember that Isaac is a sax player, so steel drums seemed out of his lane but he loves it and enjoys the variety.
Abigail finished her freshman year and is half way through her sophomore year in high school. Last year she was selected to sit as first chair flute for the all-state orchestra. This year, she was selected to sit as first chair in all-state band (there are two separate “bands” in the all-state realm). We are, of course, very proud for her to be selected for this great honor.
As I mentioned in my last post over a year ago, we did move into a new house. We finally sold our other house so that was a relief. Things do not move fast in our part of WV so we are very thankful to have that worry done. Our new house has not been without…fun, though. We had to put a new roof on it (which we had planned when we bought it) and a new furnace (which was a delightful surprise). As always, we are so happy to support the local economy for repairmen so it’s all good.
In 2010, we found our male orange cat, Seph. He certainly gave us fits, especially early on but mostly he was full of personality and spunk. Unfortunately, this past Fall, during a routine check-up, the vet mentioned that he had an enlarged heart. Without extraordinary measures, there was nothing to be done so we just decided to let things go as they may. He seemed to have few effects from his affliction so we thought nothing of it…until he started losing weight. Finally, about 2 weeks ago, his affliction had come to bear, and he had to be relieved of his suffering.
So…end on a positive, right? Most recently, I completed my first 25k trail race. It was among the more challenging things I have done, physically. The annual race is called the Frozen Sasquatch and is held in Kanawha State Forest.

As you might guess, weather can be a factor…last year it was 7 deg F I think…this year was warmer but it had rained a ton so it was super muddy and slippery. Couple that with overall elevation gain of 2300 feet elevation loss of 2400 feet, and you have a tough, hilly, slippery mess…anyhow, I finished pretty well and was not injured so I call that a win!

Ok friends, I think that is all for now…we are still keeping on here in WV!
Hi Warren!!! What a nice surprise to catch up on what’s been going on in “Best” Virginia 😊
Your kids look great and I can tell you are proud of them and their accomplishments! Sorry about Seph, it’s hard to loose a kitty.
Looking forward to hearing about all of your new hobbies and what Emily thinks about them!
How is the deluxe shed?
Welcome back to the blob world, I’m just rejoining myself.
Sorry about Seph.
My farrier is a long distance runner… I call him Crazy Larry. That is one activity that I haven’t EVER had any interest in.
Welcome back from the REAL Virginia!
Hello friends! The deluxe shed still exists and is basically done…we have pretty much been too busy to even enjoy it though so we are considering what to do next with it. We are kinda wondering where the kids will end up and pondering what that will mean, especially as far as having a get-away place in WV.
I often wondered what is wrong with runners also, before I started doing it…and now I know there is something wrong with runners…but I guess I suffer the problem to so who knows. As for Real Virginia…hmmm…I may give you First Attempt Virginia or Work-In-Progress Virginia…
Shoot, my first thought was about the deluxe shed too but someone beat me too it.
Whenever a blog goes dark, I always think of the scene from “Dances With Wolves” where Timmons, the wagon driver is standing over a skeleton with an arrow protruding from it and saying that someone back east is wondering why he don’t write.
I know what you mean Ed…So much kinda just happened and I felt like I was in danger of repeating the same stuff over and over so I just stopped…but then I look back at how meaningful (to me) the info was so I decided I need to write again and just see what comes out. Thanks for coming back !
Hi! I keep my blog in my bookmark bar so I can check back from time to time to see if any of my blogging friends have come back. So glad I did! Congrats on the new house and especially selling the old one. Cannot believe Isaac is in college! Abigail sounds like she’s doing wonderfully as well. How about Emily? Hope she is well. Sorry about Seph. My orange cat is alive and well and making Eric rue the day he said ‘yes’ to a new cat.
I wish I had your gumption about finding an exercise that suits me. Most of my exercise involves gardening, chasing grandkids (I’ve got 3 now!) and messing around with my donkeys. Nothing consistent.
Miss you on FB, but completely understand that it is a time suck and a soul suck sometimes, too.
I lost track of my bookmarks and am not sure how to find folks…so I am trying to go back through old comments to find friends that way…I am glad you are more responsible and checked on me!
Hard to believe you have 3 grandkids! I am sure you are having fun with that job! I suspect you are well suited for the task and up for the challenge!
Well well well. The Bell Licker returns. Jeese the kids have grown. No wonder you have been busy. Hope you get back into blogging, unlike myself.
Ha! Yeah, they have definitely grown…I haven’t gotten any older but they keep growing up! It’s amazing how it works!