The kids first started archery about a year ago. Since then, Isaac has participated in “Archery in the Schools” and the state tournament. Abigail’s school doesn’t have that program yet but she loves to shoot when she can. Back when we started this deal, I thought it would be a good family-together thing to do. We didn’t really have the equipment or a range to make all that happen (I figure the city frowns on shooting a compound bow in the back yard).
Fast forward a bit…Isaac and Abigail both received bows as presents from their grandparents. Last weekend Emily and the kids surprised me with an early father’s day present…my own bow! And it’s camo! The day they gave it to me, I decided we needed to make the “family shooting thing” happen (I wonder what sort of weird google searches will bring people to this page now!)
On Sunday we headed to Kanawha State Forest with Emily’s parents to be devoured by the mosquitoes try our luck at target shooting. We started off a bit rough (and that was before we even started shooting), but once we got into the groove, we had a great time! Isaac was able to do some “shooting while moving” exercises during which he shot a good bullseye from 15-20 yards. Abigail did great also. She is finally strong enough to draw the bow such that every single arrow she shot stuck!
Granddad and I had fun…that’s all I’ll say about that. We didn’t have to comb the hillside which was covered in poison ivy and some sort of ridiculous scratchy plant which would make a nun cuss, too many times searching for arrows. We did donate one arrow to the archery gods but we gained someone else’s previous sacrifice so it was a wash, arrow-wise!
Anyhow, it was a great time and we have a date to go back out this weekend to shoot some more! I think we may have hit the nail on the head for a good family hobby!