Where has the time gone? I swear we have been busy…in fact, too busy to even write anything I guess. Really, my problem is that I have been in recovery. You see, a few weeks ago, Bryan Adams came to Charleston for a concert in the excellent Clay Center. He asked me to sing back-up for him during the concert. Actually, he wanted me to sing along from the audience…you know…to lead the common folk who were in the crowd.
When Bryan first announced his concert, Emily’s brother asked if we wanted to get tickets. Of course we wanted to go and reminisce about our early days of dating. I forgot how many awesome Bryan Adams songs there are! This concert was a huge reprisal of all of his very best songs. It was awesome! Some concerts are not much fun when the musician focuses on new songs that no one cares about or the really bad old songs…but not Bryan Adams! Every song for 2 hours was a classic song from my teen years! He didn’t need any technology to sound great. His live concert was just as good as his recorded work. It was amazing!

The best part is that we had seats at center stage, six rows back. The concert was acoustical and simple and a perfect date for Emily and me. I tried to take some pics to share our date with you, my friends. My iPhone 4 has a camera that was woefully inadequate for taking pictures from even 6 rows back. So, not only is my voice in recovery, but so is my wallet. You see, my iPhone ticked me off so much that I got a new phone…I switched from Apple and bought a Samsung Galaxy S4…love it! No more bad pics I hope!

Anyhow, if you get a chance to see Bryan Adams in concert, go. It was a lot of fun and he has so many great and classic songs that you will know, even if you don’t remember that they were his songs!