Isn’t it strange how sometimes your brain follows some stream of consciousness and you end up someplace completely different from where you started? Yeah, well, welcome to my life…actually, welcome to my lovely wife’s life putting up with me. Anyhow, Monday morning we started off planning to make some sort of healthy vittles where we end up hungry again a half hour after eating. Well, a bunch of twists and turns went through my head and we ended up making homemade donuts in one of the world’s most ingenious creations – The Magic Chef Donut Bakery machine! I am not sure how I got there but I suppose the idea of eating some sort of fru-fru breakfast sparked some sort of ancient survival mechanism deep within my hindbrain…something screaming, “give me donuts, not some fruity-I-am-still-hungry food”.
It’s really hard to beat hot donuts. Isaac was born at Baptist Hospital in Nashville. His birth was complicated so we spent a good bit of time in and around the hospital. Our room overlooked the Krispee Kreme donut factory so whenever the “Hot Now” light came on, I hustled down and bought a dozen. I don’t know how many meals of donuts we ate but Krispee Kreme stock hit its high point when we were active consumers.
My parents had a version of the Magic Chef Donut Bakery machine though theirs made only three donuts at a time (but they were larger). Anyhow, somewhere between 8-10 years ago, I was at my brother’s place in Indiana. We were bored so we went junkin’. We trapsed around town and looked over other peoples’ junk. I didn’t expect much but under a pile of 8-track tapes, I saw it…the Magic Chef Donut Bakery machine…and it was marked $1…and it worked!
So, like I said, the stream of consciousness this weekend somehow reminded me that I had that glorious donut maker tucked away behind the pile of 8-track tapes I bought in Indiana. We broke out the recipe and made a gigantic batch of cinnamon donuts. Sometimes my streams of consciousness make for some pretty fun times and this time, I found that the “Hot Now” light is on!