My folks were in town last weekend to watch Abigail play soccer and Isaac’s middle school band play at the high school football game with the high school band. They came in Friday night in time for the football “game”. We had to be to the field an hour early but that meant we got good seats. Unfortunately, we later discovered that those seats were right next to the student section. Perhaps it’s all student sections, and I hate to speak badly of my neighbors, but those kids were real knuckleheads.
Anyhow, Isaac’s middle school band played the Star Spangled Banner and the high school’s fight song (is there only one fight song? It sounded like all fight songs sound) and really sounded pretty good. The middle school band is pretty large and doubled the HS band. They played great together although the student section’s highest ranking idiot corps made it somewhat hard to hear. I called the game a “game” above because it wasn’t really a game. The football team beat the opponent 69 – 9. It wasn’t much fun to watch but then, we came for the band anyhow.
As I said, my parents were here for the weekend. Since our house is in a constant state of construction, they stayed in a nearby hotel…a hotel with a pool. I think the highlight of the visit was the opportunity to swim in a cement pond! The kids and my Mom and I had a great time two nights. We swam and just had a lot of fun. Isaac tried unsuccessfully to dunk me. I threw both kids around the pool and we all got chlorine eyes! That’s swimming pool success!
Both my Mom and I worked as lifeguards in our younger years so we are capable swimmers and we try to teach the kids to swim whenever we can. My mom in particular has taught my kids very well and she helped them refine their strokes this weekend too. Both Isaac and Abigail are becoming much better swimmers and seem to enjoy it. My mom and I both learned in the same water source, 30 years apart. In my hometown, we swim in the outflow from the local Corps of Engineers’ dam.

It’s cold, fast moving, dark water where one learns quickly to sink or swim. I stole a pic of my mom when she was a kid at “the beach” so you can get an idea. My kids are learning in a pool and I am sure it is safer but there is something inspiring about learning to swim in apparently bottomless water. Still, their lessons are going swimmingly and I am so glad that they have learned to swim as well as they have!