Today my baby boy turns 14! I just cannot believe it. Honestly, he just makes me so proud and I have enjoyed (almost) every minute of watching him grow into a young man. It’s funny, just last year he was shorter than me and, really, still just a boy. In the year since, he truly has grown into a man…certainly physically, but also emotionally. I don’t mean to say he is all adult yet but he has progressed so far into adulthood and that process has been amazing and awesome and fun!

I suppose every parent goes through it, but I continually struggle to give him room and to let him become more independent. I still remind him to brush his teeth and feed the cat, but that’s just stuff that Emily still reminds me to do. What has been most exciting to witness is his ability to make up his own mind on politics and humor and right and wrong. Certainly we discuss those things and sometimes we disagree but he is critically considering lots of things and can usually offer a solid explanation of his thoughts. That’s the stuff that matters more to me right now. Dental hygiene is important but a kind who thinks for himself…that’s amazing!

Anyhow, happy 14th birthday to my boy, Isaac. I couldn’t be more proud of you and I love watching you grow up into a fine young man!