Trials of hosting our own site

FAIL!Once again, the blog was down.  Each time it has gone down since I started (3 times total so far) has been for a different reason, but each time has sucked about the same.  My registrar is which has been pretty good for the most part.  Today, their dns servers died so when you typed in my blog address, your internet company didn’t know how to connect to my machine.  I was able to finally login to namecheap so I could repoint the dns (basically, I am using a different system to map my blog address to the machine in my office).  So, now we are back up, though things are still slow it seems.  I think that must be a different issue…we’ll see.  When you hit the blog, does it seem terribly slow?  Anyhow, I’d like to say something like this won’t happen again, but I am certain it will.  Until then, thanks for reading and for your patience!