Berry Pie

Putting berries in the pie shell

We picked a ton of blackberries earlier this summer and turned a lot of it into blackberry jam and blackberry syrup.  We froze approximately 1 ton of berries also.


'Dotting' the pie with butter

Fortunately, I love blackberry pie and my Mom has the World’s best recipe which I am sharing with you, my closest personal friends.  My Mom’s pies are the best in the world – bar none.  I cannot share all of her secrets but this one is one of my favorite pies she makes:

Berry Pie

2/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
5 cups fresh berries
2 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp butter

Heat oven to 425. Prepare (or buy) 10 inch pastry. Stir together sugar, flour and cinnamon. Mix together with berries. Turn berry mixture into pastry lined pan. Sprinkle with lemon juice and dot with butter. Cover with top crust which has slits cut in it. Seal and flute edges. Moisten fingers and dab on crust. Put butter dabs and sprinkle top with sugar. Bake 45-50 minutes until crust is brown and juice begins to bubble through slits in crust. Fight off everyone else in household to horde pie for self.

Fluting the edges of the pie

There are a few critical steps.  in particular, you must cut the initial of the pie-type into the top (in addition to the “slits”).  For example, the blackberry pie pictured here has a “BB” carved into the top-crust.  Initially, Emily was not going to follow protocol on this pie.  I informed her that without the initials, the pie should be dumped straight into the compost as it would have been rendered inedible.

Slits and initials in the pie

Luckily for me, she got things in order and followed procedure.  Anyhow, the sugar sprinkled on top is also critical.  These may seem like little things but they make the pie!
Blackberry pie!

Emily tells me I have a “pie problem”.  I loved (and finished) the squash pie from a couple of days ago.  I have blackberry pie on the brain.  I chalk it all up to getting my winter weight on so I an be ready for hibernation!


16 thoughts on “Berry Pie

  1. I have never found a good pie recipie – so I’ll be trying this this weekend. We love pie (and ice cream). It’s making me hungry just looking at it!

  2. Thanks for the compliment. I love to make pies but it is critical to name the pie as you said, otherwise how do you know what kind you have. By the way another way to make that pie is use half blackberries and half blueberries. Then you have a bruised pie–black and blue pie.

  3. Ohhhh….I love new pie recipes…frugalmom and I made two BB pies while she was here and one is still in the freezer, however, I would love to try the variation of the 1/2 blackberry/1/2 blueberry pie. Yummmm….
    thank yoooo!

  4. Thanks mom! I forgot about the black and blue pie! We have some frozen blueberries too. We’ll have to make one this weekend!

  5. Famrgirl_dk, definitely try the recipe. It works for any berries but I love blackberry pie best. My mom’s homemade pie crusts are what send her pies over the top so we won’t ever make a perfect pie until we decide to take the time to kidnap my mom and get the crust recipe down. Anyhow, let me know how you like the pie!

  6. I LOVE blackberry pie! I picked so many blackberries last year at a friend’s house that I froze a bunch specifically for pies (they lasted about three weeks; we ate A LOT of pie!). I will definitely try your recipe!

  7. Well, ok…now you have to pin your mom down and get her pie crust recipe, too!
    Tell her your faithful readers are demanding it! (nicely, of course) 🙂

  8. Loved the humor in this post. I didn’t know about naming the pie and carving its initials. I’ll remedy my pie making technique post haste.

  9. I’ve been thinking about this and while I’m delighted to be one of your closest personal friends (it’s mutual, I assure you), I’m wondering if you’d introduce me to your Mom?

  10. hmmm…I don’t think I can introduce you to my mom…she has a killer peanut butter fudge recipe and I intend to, in a bipartisan way, unite the world,nay, the universe, with it! I need her as my vp! Interested in a cabinet position? (Sorry, I just finished watching the vp debate)

  11. Can’t make just one pie. Crust: 5 1/3 C flour, 2 cups shortening, 2 tsp salt, 16 tbs water. Cut shortening and flour and salt. Add water and mix with hands. Roll out. Makes 3 to 5 pies depending on the size pie pan and one or two crust. I’ve tried cutting recipe and making less pies and the crust just doesn’t come out. Good luck.

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