We set up our Christmas tree this weekend. I am a little short on patience so we usually add the branches to our hypoallergenic-robot-tree, as a family. We then let Emily add the lights to the tree by herself. Once the lights are on, we get back together as a family and add lights. We often go through this routine in the late evening but we decided to set up the tree during the day and it was so much better!
My video system is all screwed up…click here to see a time-lapse video of our tree going up!
The cat was in the middle of everything and the kids were dancing around with ornaments and branches and the like. We cranked the Christmas music and had a lot of fun! We discovered that we had too many ornaments, a number of which were given directly to the kids by various folks.

This year, we decided to get the kids their own small trees for their rooms. The best part is, we got the trees on sale – half off! It’s pretty cool to drive up to our place now…all three trees are visible when you pull up…plus it lights the walkway a little!
Anyhow, this was probably one of the most pleasant tree decorating experiences ever (remember about my patience?). We didn’t fret about the lights or the arrangement of stuff. In fact, we decided to simplify our decorating and it was fantastic!

I am so glad that the kids are the age they are and that they are so willing to help. They want to make sure they put on equal numbers of branches and ornaments, but they seeing them work together to find equity in it all is pretty great!

We have never decorated outside for some reason but we love to ride around in neighborhoods to see what other people have done. When Isaac was a baby, we used to drive around Nashville and see the lights the same way. Before he could say much, he could say “light”. At Christmas time, he would say, “Light…oh so pretty!”

I am sure that we will start the neighborhood tour this weekend. People seem to be doing a pretty good job of getting out their lights this year…Oh, so pretty!

I can’t wait for Christmas now! Presents are starting to show up under the tree and I have been plowing through the eggnog! The last few years, I have gained several pounds in December and January drinking Southern Comfort brand eggnog. It is non-alcoholic but pretty ding-dang great! Between that and sugar cookies, I am adding to my hibernation weight!