A mood

I have been in a mood lately.  I suppose it has been for the last month or so, but I am tired of it.  Several people have commented about it and I can feel it myself.  I am not sure why we get in moods or if it is seasonal or something else.  I really suppose it must be related to my recent escape from the caffeine habit!  Anyhow, as spring seems to have finally arrived in WV, I have high hopes of getting back to normal.  So please, dear readers, bear with me as I boost my vitamin d intake and sneak nips from the old Mt Dew bottle now and then.

In the meantime, I took this picture and thought it was just about the cutest thing I had seen since I last looked in the mirror!


Happy Friday!

20 thoughts on “A mood

  1. What a cute picture! I love the hair.

    Its going to get up to 70+ degrees here today. Great day for baseball practice. Hey, I am playing in the golf league this year. No I am not very good but I think it will be fun. Golf and basketball will keep me out of those moods.

  2. I hope you feel better soon, friend. We’ll all still be here when you’re in the mood to post. In the mean time, enjoy those gorgeous girls of yours!! 🙂

    farm mom’s last blog post..Warmth

  3. I love the new look of your site. New energy.

    I have been feeling moody myself and I took time to vent on my blog (yellow6347.wordpress.com). I hate the heavy feeling I have inside when I am moody. What a differance a day can make. I love your blog.

    Brenda’s last blog post..Each Day Is New-County Supper

  4. I was gonna bust you on that, but since you didn’t pick up on my double-dog dare from a few posts ago I just let it slide.

    Love the pig-tails Emily and Abigale!

    Caprilis’s last blog post..check it out…

  5. Whew, I’m glad I never, ever get in moods. 🙂

    Cheer up, brother. The sun will fry your mood away soon. Time to break out the baseball caps. 🙂


    Ron’s last blog post..Beast in my barn

  6. Of course we will bear with you! These moods happen to us all. I call it the Church of 50/50. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. Without the bad, there’d be no good.

    Laura-Jane’s last blog post..April Snow

  7. The sun this weekend was sooooo good! I need to be in the garden I think to really get my groove back, but I think I must be headed in the right direction now!

  8. Your wimmin-folk are sure loverly!
    I caught your “subtle” pat on the back. Just read it today though!
    As for your funk? In the words of George Harrison, all things must pass.

    Capri Kel’s last blog post..Potent Quotable

  9. in a mood eh? Me too! I can’t help it and I can’t take it anymore… ask Ward-he is so confused he doesn’t know whether he should wind his butt or scratch his watch. Poor guy–but many of my moods are his fault-at least that is my story. It has to be the weather. Right? Yeah… I think so. Hopefully this will pass before I go even more crazy than usual. God save my children!

    june cleaver’s last blog post..Hair Swoon… Get Your Hair Swoon Here…

  10. Hey, you have a new site look! (where’ve I been, under a rock? oh, right, my computer was down for three weeks, oy) Ok, this picture is in the serious cuteness category…you’re so blessed! 🙂

    Robbyn’s last blog post..Signs of Life

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