A Member of the Club

We harvested honey this weekend (more about that later this week) at Emily’s grandparents’ house.  I keep 4 hives at their place and they have a perfect setup in their garage for our honey extraction.  Emily and the kids and I were joined by Emily’s parents and her grandparents to make the extraction a family affair.  We started around 9 in the morning and finished by 6 in the evening.  So, we had an all day affair.

The kids were super well behaved in spite of the work and the heat (we finally had a hot day among all the rainy days) and the apparent boredom.  Under Emily’s grandparents’ house is a crawlspace in which an adult can almost stand upright.  The kids discovered that and found that it made a perfect hide-out.  The best part is that their hide-out was naturally air-conditioned.  The coolness was a great escape for them and they loved playing under there.

In time, they decided that their club needed to be a little more exclusive than it was when the started it (an hour earlier).  Isaac and Abigail were, of course, members and they decided to invite their great-grandmother to be the first non-founding member.  She happily obliged and helped them move in a table and chairs and met with them in their first members’ meeting…yes, Emily’s 82 year old grandmother crawled under the house and sat around a tiny table with the kids.  She is definitely a member of the club!

Though her birth certificate says she is 82, she certainly doesn’t look or act like it.  Both of Emily’s grandparents are built that way.  It’s so much fun to hang out with them and watch as nothing slows them down!  That’s a club I want to be in!

10 thoughts on “A Member of the Club

  1. That’s awesome that Emily’s grandmother was able to crawl under there! One grandmother of mine is 86 and the other is 94. I try to enjoy as much time as I can with them. Glad to see your kids were able to find a hide out.

  2. I loved playing under their house when I was a kid also. I don’t remember Mommaw ever being under there with me. I guess I never invited her!

  3. This was truly delightful. I want to join the club! Thank you for sharing 🙂 I would like to share the news about an incredible new service that strengthens the ties between grandparents and grandchildren. Grandchild Connection allows distant grandparents and grandchildren to develop close, meaningful relationships by utilizing today’s technology of video conferencing. As part of the “VideoVisit” experience, we coach grandparents in educational and social activities that deepen the bonds they share with their grandchildren, and we provide the tools to achieve that end. We are putting the finishing touches on the site and are having our first soft launch on National Grandparents Day, September 13th, 2009. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Come visit us today grandchildconnection.com

  4. She totally doesn’t look 82! What lucky, lucky kids you have to have a great-grandmother to play with! Today at the Farmer’s Market we saw some wonderful repeat customers of ours, a married couple doing their shopping who are 95 and 90. They always come by our stand to get “mini-bouquets.” I said to Jake, “I hope that’s us one day!”
    .-= Lynnie´s last blog ..We’re Still Hanging On! =-.

  5. Emily’s grandparents are amazing! Poppaw is 84 and is plenty active also. I think I have ore gray hair (on the inside anyhow) than either of them! Anyhow, the kids surely love going to their place to hang out!

    Kim – we harvest honey on the hottest day in August! Actually, I know that the honey flow here runs approx from tax day to independence day. I give the bees several weeks after July 4th to finish drying the honey and get it capped. That’s the real way to know when to harvest honey…when the bees say it is ready by capping, you can harvest. I always test the moisture content to make sure but in general, they won’t cap it until it’s ready. Just look in and when it’s 80% or more capped, you can probably harvest. I’ll post tomorrow about our harvest this year…

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