Like lots of folks in the East, we got a bunch of snow last weekend. Actually, compared to what many folks got, our foot of snow hardly compares. Still, there are folks around here who are without power and may be until after Christmas. I guess when I think of it, we are pretty lucky in regard to this storm. Since we had nothing important to do and because we still have heat, I guess we all sort of enjoyed the snow. It surely put me in the Christmas mood (even though it is supposed to be rainy and in the 50s for Christmas) and gave us all a chance to go outside and try to break bones…I mean sled-ride. We built a gender-neutral snow-person, complete with a carrot nose (until the squirrels heard the news), and made many snow angels.

I mentioned awhile back (many months I guess…holy cow!) that we’ve been doing some pretty extreme work inside of our house. Stay with me here…I promise it is related. We’ve hemmed and hawed, we’ve cussed and dodged and pondered and tried to do just about everything we could to make this project take as long as possible. Of course, by “we”, I mean “I”, not that there was any doubt. But now, as weather has turned from wonderful and sunny and nice to Winter, I’ve run out of excuses and had to buckle down and make some sort of progress on the house.

We water-proofed the walls on the outside as part of the foundation work we had done this summer. I added additional water-proofing inside as an insurance policy and so I can satisfy my desire for over-kill. We added foam-board insulation and studded out new walls from the uninsulated masonry walls. From there, it was easy to add proper insulation and make the rooms usable.

So, we’ve been mudding and sanding and mudding and sanding until our house is much like a dessert town after a sand-storm. There is grit and dust everywhere and for some reason, the cat’s fur and kids sock feet haven’t been able to keep up with the dust that has been generated. That’s all until last night. Last night, you see, Emily painted the drywall…there will be no more sanding in that room. The walls are snow white with primer and absolutely look as pretty as I do in my beard…well, actually, a lot better than that…but you get my point!
Congratulations on the pleasures of all the whites.
Wonderful sights of the snowfall. I live in central WV and we had a foot also. My mom, who lives near Blackwater, told me they got 2 feet. How awesome is that. Glad to see your house is coming a long. We’ve been working on our for 18 months now with no end in sight. Enjoy your blog!! Beautiful pics!!
.-= Kim´s last blog ..SPAM: Scandalous Petty Acts of a Moron =-.
I was wondering if you got any snow. That’s nice that you get to have a white Christmas!
.-= YDavis´s last blog ..Seasons Greetings =-.
Nice tile work! I’ve got some tile projects on the horizon myself!
.-= caprilis´s last blog ..Way Back Winter =-.
You’re gettin’ there. I’ve been in my house for about 35 years and still the baseboards aren’t done so don’t feel bad.
I like the facial hair, btw. Looks great.
Merry Christmas to all your clan!
I have snow envy! People here are still wearing t-shirts and flip flops.
A Winter Wonderland!
Merry Christmas to you and your Family, Warren!
Looks great! I love the tile.
You got a lot of snow. Mr Chiots and I are always happy to get that much snow. We only got a few inches from the storm.
Merry Christmas to all of you from your friends in East Virginia!
.-= Caprilis´s last blog ..Just Because It Cracks Me Up =-.
My goodness that looks beautiful! Merry Christmas to your family and may the New Year bring joy, peace and good health to all!
.-= Beau´s last blog ..Two Moments, One Day =-.
Love the snow pics-we only got rain out of the storm. The walls look great. I honestly did not recognize you-with the beard-until I read the post about it. I was thinking well who’s sledding with their kids : )
.-= tipper´s last blog ..Appalachian Writers =-.
Oh, you got a lot more snow than me. We only got about half an inch here. I was in Providence Sat night and it was so pretty to see the snow with all the city lghits.