As a family, we’ve been walking in the woods lately. There may be more to say about that later, but for now, I have just enjoyed being outside and seeing what we can see. Abigail and I took a walk together the other day. We sort of just roamed around and skipped rocks in the river and talked and saw all sorts of stuff. Abigail was super interested in seeing the heavy machinery at one place we were walking, but at the same time, she was terrified it would be illegal to get near it (and maybe it was?)
Isaac spooked a deer right beside him on one walk. It was only a few feet from him in a hay field and I think he wanted to chase it down just to chat. I suspect he was excited enough that he might have kept up for awhile. Outside stuff is just amazing, especially when you’ve been away from it for awhile. We saw fish and chestnuts and spiders and trees that were probably larger than any the kids have ever seen before.

My work has been stressful lately, but these walks have been so refreshing. I need to escape technology and it doesn’t get any better than walking in the woods with the family!
Nothing like nature to wash all the stress away—–well, maybe some well timed hugs from children.
The fish skeleton reminds me of my daughter. She has a whole box of nature finds (dried up frogs, deer antlers, pressed flowers, feathers, etc.). I say let Abigail have a box like that. It’s important.
Your grandfather always picked up a stone when he went for walks and kept them in a can in the garage. He called it his “can of memories.” One of his stories was about that old can in the garage. Good memories.
Cool fish skeleton. I bet smelly cat would’ve liked it 😉
There isn’t nothing better than getting out in the woods or going for long rides through the country to get the stress of every day life and work off of ones mind. Your kids will remember these simple times when they are older. Those memories are something that money can’t buy! 🙂
Hope your work calms down.
Abigail is a little scoop of Precious!
Where were the photos taking? In PA or WV?
Jerk – WV!