A little while ago I posted about my discovery of the flower setting on my camera. I never knew I could take macro pictures without buying a lot of special equipment. I think I have always liked close-ups better than landscapes as a general rule and now I can take mediocre pictures in both formats!
Ok, so before you go on, you have to promise me you will click on these pics and get the close-up view…this thumbnail view doesn’t do them justice! Promise? Ok then…

So I was home at lunch the other day and the bees that remain at the house (4 hives…only until April or so when I move them to the country) were super active. I put some sugar water on them to feed them a little since there isn’t much blooming yet. Maples should bloom any time now but they aren’t out yet. Anyhow, sugar water always makes them very active (not in a bad way) and the bright sun made it even more so.

As I watched, I noticed that there was a ton of pollen coming in from somewhere. I saw bright yellows and greens and everything in between. Bees flying with pollen are often pretty funny to watch. They can be so packed down that they look like they are a wounded plane coming in after battle, just barely in the air but still making it.

I sat down in their flight path and used my flower setting and took a bunch of close-up pics. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
I really want to get a digital SLR camera so that I can get the shutter speed necessary to take pictures like that. My point-n-shoot digital camera just doesn’t have the speed. It has been on my wish list for quite awhile but for some reason Santa isn’t getting the message.
I loved watching bees loaded with pollen coming in for a landing. I have often wondered if they can offload the pollen on their legs if they got to much and couldn’t take off or if they were like a raccoon with their hand on a shiny object in a hole smaller than their balled up fist and can never figure out how to free it.
Really great photos. I am so jealous.
Awesome bees! Mother nature sure knows what she’s doing. Great pictures.
Great shots!
” and now I can take mediocre pictures in both formats!”
I confess, since you told us about the flower setting I have been dabbling!
Your title took a bit of figuring out—at least until I read your first sentence. 🙂 I do wonder how the bees manage to fly properly when their legs are full of pollen. Hoping you have a fabulous honey crop this year.