Just a few days ago, Isaac crossed over into teen-hood. Some folks dread the teen transition, but for us, we see Isaac becoming much more enjoyable. The boy was a bit wild when he was young, but he has settled down into an awesome kid! We give Isaac some room and let him be around us when he wants and be alone when he wants. I don’t know if we are just fortunate or if other folks try to push their growing kid into something they are not. Whichever way it goes, I am so thrilled that Isaac is growing into a pretty great young adult.

Isaac was born under duress. You can read more about that here. When he was born, he was 19 inches. In a mere 13 years, he has grown to 5’8″. That’s is just a little shorter than I am. He wears a size 14 shoe. That’s bigger than what I wear. I am not sure when he will grow into his feet, but I think he is on a pretty wild path!

I don’t know what is ahead of us, but I know that I am so proud of both kids and love them more than anything. I love being able to watch them grow into real people adults and to be a part of such wonderful lives!
I have a feeling he’ll be a great teenager. He’s got great parents who pay attention to him and care about his daily life. Onward and upward, Isaac! Happy Birthday!
I know a lot of people dread those teen years but I have to say some of my best memories raising my kids were their teen years. The boys were a lot of fun and having their friends at our house making pizza, cross crounty skiing, water battles, boy scouts camping in our yard and so many wonderful times. I know you will have many great times with you kids as teens also. Cherish those times they go so fast. I must say though its great seeing my boys turn into wonderful men with great wives and lives.
I grew into my size 13 feet pretty quickly but my brother on the other hand took a lot longer. He went to college at 5′ 2″ tall and came out four years later 6′ 2″. There is still plenty of time for Isaac!
Happy Birthday to Isaac from East Virginia!
Happy Birthday to Isaac from The Mitten!!
ALL the years are fun, it’s all good!
Happy Birthday Isaac! I hope you had a great one!
You are such a great mom! I know that Isaac will be growing into a pretty great teenager as he is having a wonderful parents as you.