Thank you so much friends, for sharing with us your thoughts, prayers and well-wishes. Isaac has come a long way since last week and we are all much relieved with where we are headed. We were discharged last Sunday from Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH. It was a long ride home as Isaac was still in a lot of pain and we were pretty nervous about what we were in store for.

We saw the local hematologist on Tuesday and he upped Isaac’s warafrin and continued his lovenox shots. Lovenox shots hurt like crazy and really suck. Isaac’s mood was in pretty bad shape and his pain continued for several days. One day, I can’t remember which, a lot of his pain just went away and he was able to move about a lot better. Each day we see improvement and he can walk short distances and almost looks normal in his gait.
We have had a few more blood draws and warfarin adjustments and things appear to be leveled out. That means no more lovenox too! That fact alone changed Isaac’s mood dramatically. Over this weekend, his appetite also returned. A co-worker of mine bought Isaac a multi-pack of candy bars and he has been plowing into that pretty hard. I am not sure how many healthy calories he has ingested but we have been pretty flexible in just about everything anyhow.
We have more blood draws, probably two a week for a few weeks and then we just wait and see what happens. Isaac has gotten into a much better place emotionally which means that Emily and I have also. His pain persists but it is so much better than it was so I think he is tolerating it pretty well. We don’t yet know how school will work and whether he will be able to sit/walk all day without support so we may have to deal with crutches. We have a few weeks before we worry about that anyhow.
I don’t know whether I am conveying it well, but we are so much better off than we were last week and Isaac feels a lot closer to normal. So friends, please keep thinking of Isaac and I’ll give updates as we get them!
Thanks for the update. I’m so glad y’all are headed back in the direction of ‘normal’.
Do they know what brought this on (other than heredity)? It’s just odd that he went from no symptoms to having half his body in distress.
The medical bracelets are far cooler now than they were when we were kids. No one at school will even know that the bracelet indicates a medical condition.
Prayers for continued improvement!
Warren, I missed your post about Isaac. With you, my friend, in good thoughts and prayers. What a thing to happen; and what a trouper he is. Hugs to you all, and know that your friends on the hill are thinking of you.
I’m glad he’s home now! I’m sure that helps a lot. Hopefully school won’t be an issue.
I’m so glad things are looking up. I think I read the whole last post without breathing. I. Can’t. Even. Imagine. It sounded like Isaac got great care and you two seem like cool, caring, calm (despite the scariness), and delightful parents.
I’m assuming Isaac likes cookies… or homemade PB cups?! Oh my gosh, I might have to send you some of those!
I had to take Lovenox for 6 months after a compound fracture while pregnant.
Tips: nerves clusters are near capillaries, so try not to stab where you might see any hint of those. I used the area about 2″ on either side of my belly button. Doing myself was quite a bit more bearable than letting anyone help. If you use any place too many times in a row, you will be really tender and bruised so try to spread it out. It gets easier.
Poor kid. Poor y’all. Prayers. There’s hope:
Thanks for the update, so glad to hear he is doing better. What an ordeal for him!!! And your family! Will keep praying for restoration and no more pain!
Thank God he is do so much better. So anxious to see him and give him a big hug (no kisses Isaac).
I thought you came off extremely cool about everything last week… much cooler than I probably could have pulled off. So this week seems back to normal. Good to hear the good news!
Things are def on the right road. We are all feeling a little more at ease but I will still accept all cookies and candies on behalf of Isaac!
He’s doing well. We aren’t quite back to “right” yet but we are so much better than we were so the progress has boosted us all immensely!