They say you never forget your first time…knitting. This weekend will forever be in my memory. This special time of my life was beyond my expectation. Why do people have such a hard time talking to the kids about…knitting?
So I was inspired by the folks at Children in the Corn to try this form of loom knitting. I have never been one to have enough patience to sit down and do stuff like this so their mention of knocking out a hat in an evening was appealing. I have never heard of Knifty Knitter looms so I wandered out to our local junk retailer and bought the cheapest one they had. There are a variety of looms for making all sorts of things but I wanted to ease into this. My wife accuses me of too often jumping into things with both feet so I decided to honor her and only spend $4 on this newest hobby (if it becomes that). So, the cheapest loom that the junk retailer had was the flower loom. The package assured me that I could make all sorts of things besides flowers so I figured I was set for life. Never mind the pink loom or the purple hook. I was about to be a knitter.

What I didn’t know was that the only pattern that came with the loom was for flowers. A quick internet search turned up the only other pattern for that loom – the friendze scarf. Cool…I have a daughter…she’ll dig a friendze scarf knitted by her Dad on a pink loom. This isn’t wierd at all. Sure enough, Abigail loved the first scarf I knitted. She danced around as I worked on the first one. She sang and laughted and giggled and hung around while I worked. She even said she loved me for knitting her a scarf. She took it to school to show her friends and teacher. I really like knitting now…that’s the easiest $4 I ever spent!
I learned a few things along the way…superglue every other peg into the loom if you never plan to make flowers. The pegs are designed to pull out for flowers but are a real pain for scarves.
Work around the loom clockwise but wrap the thread around individual pegs counter clockwise. If you don’t, you’ll gnaw off your own arm and beat yourself senseless with it…trust me on this one lefty.
Single color yarn is more difficult to work with than variegated. Both are cool though.

Get more looms. My daughter liked the first two scarves but I think she is ready for something cooler and bigger now. These things are so simple to use that I will likely buy more and make more stuff. I need to wear a winter hat in the cold as I have no hair to protect my noggin. I tend to go through knit hats like I change underwear…at least once a month. Being able to knit my own in an hour or so sounds pretty good to me.
If you buy a pink loom, don’t let your son catch you using it. My boy doesn’t know why he teases me but he knows it’s funny. That’s all I will say about that.
Special times…I will never forget my first time…knitting. Now that I have done it, I can’t get enough. I want to knit all the time – in the car, watching tv, outside in the woods, while other people watch. I am a knit-o-maniac!