Now I am experienced

Last night was my first time.  I had held out, saving myself I suppose.  Everyone said it would be special.  I wanted it to be magical…something I would never forget.  I had never been to Chuck E. Cheese.  They just didn’t exist anywhere near where I grew up so that wasn’t an option.  Once we had kids, I was busy…every single time somone had a birthday party there.  Last night, Emily’s school had a fund raiser there and she committed me before I had a chance to make other plans.  So, I got protection (hand sanitizer) and headed inside the place.

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At first, I was pretty overwhelmed by the smell of kids and the number of germ-hiding locations.  In fact, the germs were so bold that they didn’t even try to hide.  They seemed to be flying through the air before my eyes in fact.  Anyhow, we ordered some…uh…I guess you’d call it food.  We ate and then started to play.  Now folks, I never have really grown up…or at least I never grew up right.  We played skee-ball and rode on the rides.  Isaac showed me his expertise at a reaction time game and Abigail pedaled herself into the air on a magic bike.

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I tried to ride the rides but I didn’t fit too well.  The manager finally came over and asked me if I wanted a job as Chuck himself.  “I’ll pass I think…I am part elephant and am afraid of mice.”  She just shook her head and walked away.  Don’t grown-ups understand?  I am playing!

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(I wanted to see if the bucket full of tokens we got were gold)

All in all, it was a pretty good time.  A lot of kids from Emily’s school were there and I am sure they raised money.  I had a pretty good time too.  In fact, I wasn’t really ready to leave.  I did need to take 2 showers and I did a dance with a scrub brush and a bucket full of Mr. Clean!

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10 thoughts on “Now I am experienced

  1. Ha! We went about four years ago… the boy loved it. Me, not so much. Loud, crazy, gooey, fun, sticky, and very average food. It’s not close to home, and the boy still asks when we can go back. Soon kiddo, soon…
    .-= Beau´s last blog ..Pondering =-.

  2. Mr Chiots and I took our nieces for the first time last year (for one of their b-days). Oh, it’s an interesting place if you don’t have children and aren’t used to being around lots of them screaming at once.

    Glad you enjoyed it!
    .-= Chiot’s Run´s last blog ..One Year Ago =-.

  3. It really wasn’t as bad as I thought and germs don’t really worry me all that much…but I have no doubt that the place has to be a study in the evolution of germs and disease. Anyhow, I have no doubt that we’ll be back sometime…

  4. I always tried to avoid those pestilence ridden ball pits, especially after a friend’s son had a poop soup diaper in one. Way more germs than I can handle. And the noise…….

    Hope it raised boo koo moolah!
    .-= Capri Kel´s last blog ..Mouse Skillz =-.

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